Electronic Signatures means any electronic symbol or process attached to, or associated with, any contract or other record and adopted by a person with the intent to sign, authenticate or accept such contract or record.
Standards means the British or international standards, Authority's internal policies and procedures, Government codes of practice and guidance referred to in Framework Schedule 13 (Standards) together with any other specified policies or procedures identified in Framework Schedule 13 (Standards);
Chronic pain means a state in which pain persists beyond the usual course of an acute disease or healing of an injury, or that may or may not be associated with an acute or chronic pathologic process that causes continuous or intermittent pain over months or years.
Electronic service means the electronic service provided by the Comptroller under section 8A(1);
Electronic Services means a service provided by us, for example an Internet trading service offering clients access to information and trading facilities, via an internet service, a WAP service and/or an electronic order routing system.
Reliability Standard means a requirement to provide for reliable operation of the bulk power system, including without limiting the foregoing requirements for the operation of existing bulk power system facilities, including cybersecurity protection, and the design of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the extent necessary for reliable operation of the bulk power system, but shall not include any requirement to enlarge bulk power system facilities or to construct new transmission capacity or generation capacity.
coercive practices means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons, or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract;
Cosmetic means surgery, procedures or treatment and other services performed primarily to enhance or improve appearance, including but not limited to, and except as otherwise required by state or federal law, those surgeries, procedures, treatments and other services performed in the absence of a functional impairment of a body part or organ as documented in the medical record, even if such services will improve emotional, psychological or mental condition or function.