Civil Commotion definition

Civil Commotion means any act committed in the course of a disturbance of the public peace (where such disturbance is motivated by political reasons) by any person taking part together with others in such disturbance or any act of any lawfully constituted authority for the purpose of suppressing or minimising the consequence of such act.
Civil Commotion means a disturbance, commotion or disorder created by civilians usually against a governing body or the policies thereof.
Civil Commotion means the same as Riots as defined in this Policy.

Examples of Civil Commotion in a sentence

  • Neither the contractor nor NFL shall be considered in default in the performance of their obligation contained therein, if such performance is prevented or delayed or restricted or interfered with by reason of War, Hostilities, Revolutions, Civil Commotion, Strike, Epidemics, Accidents, Fires Flood, Earthquake, regulation or ordinance or requirement of any Government or any sub-division thereof, or authority or representative of any such Govt.

  • If, at any time during the continuance of this Contract the performance in whole or in part by either party of any obligations under this Contract shall be prevented or delayed by reason of any War, Hostile acts of the public enemy Civil Commotion, Epidemics, or Acts of God (Floods, Storm/Cyclone, Hurricane, Earthquake etc.

  • If at any time during the continuation of the contract, the performance in whole or in part or any obligation under this contract shall be prevented of delayed by reason of act of god such as war, fire, flood, earthquake, acts of Civil Commotion, acts of Govt.

  • No liability shall be attached to contractor for any damage due to natural calamities such as Earth vibro meter/Quake, War, Civil Commotion and Willful damage.

  • Neither the contractor nor NFL shall be considered in default in the performance of their obligation contained therein, if such performance is prevented or delayed or restricted or interfered with by reason of War, Hostilities, Revolutions, Civil Commotion, Strike, Epidemics,Accidents, Fires Flood, Earthquake, regulation or ordinance or requirement of any Government or any sub-division thereof, or authority or representative of any such Govt.

More Definitions of Civil Commotion

Civil Commotion has the meaning given to such expression in the general conditions of insurance included in the Standard Form of Insurance Contract;
Civil Commotion means the substantial disturbance of the public peace by three (3) or more persons assembled together and acting with common intent.
Civil Commotion means any act committed in the course of a disturbance of the public peace (where such disturbance is motivated by political reasons) by any person taking part together with others in such
Civil Commotion means an outbreak of lawlessness of a fairly considerable scale amongst the citizens of a state which is something between a Riot and total insurrection and is deemed to include labour disturbances or Lockouts.
Civil Commotion has the meaning given to such expression in the Operations Manual or in the general conditions of an Insurance Contract or a Contract of Guarantee that may be issued by ATI or an Insurer to an Insured from time to time.
Civil Commotion means creation of internal disturbances in violation of law or intended to violate law, commencement or continuation of illegal strikes, go-slows, lock-outs, vehicle snatching/lifting, damage to or destruction of State or pri- vate property, random firing to create panic, charging bhatha [protection money/extortion], acts of criminal trespass, dis- tributing, publishing or pasting of a handbill or making graf- fiti or wall-chalking intended to create unrest or fear or cre- ate a threat to the security of law and order….12
Civil Commotion means creation of internal disturbances in violation of law or intended o violate law, commencement or continuation o illegal strikes, go-slows, lock-outs, vehicles snatching or lifting, damage to or destruction of state or private property, random firing to create panic, charging bhatha, acts of criminal trespass (illegal qabaz), distributing, publishing or pasting of a handbill or making graffiti or wall-chalking intended to create unrest or fear or create a threat to the security of law and order to incite the commission of an offence punishable under Chapter VI of the Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860).