Examples of Classification determination in a sentence
In making its decision, TC would expect to be provided with information on the exposure site as specified in ISO 9223 “Corrosion of metals and alloys -- Corrosivity of atmospheres -- Classification, determination and estimation” including: location (longitude and latitude); elevation; annual average temperature, relative humidity, sulfur dioxide deposition rate and chloride deposition rate; corrosivity class for aluminium.
Once the outgoing connection is established, the outgoing connection should be assigned to the buddy and buddy status should be updated to STATUS HANDSHAKE.
Classification determination is subject to the grievance procedure as set in the Master Portion of the Railroad Agreement.
As the parent of a child who has or may have a disability, you have the right to participate in meetings regarding:■ Identification (decision to evaluate);■ Evaluation (nature and scope of assessment procedures);■ Classification (determination of whetheryourchild is eligible for special edu- cation and related services);■ Development and review of your child’s individualized education program (IEP);■ Educational placement of your child; and■ Reevaluation of your child.
X-ray spectrometric methods)PN-EN ISO 4042:2001Części złączne - Powłoki elektrolityczne (Fasteners - Electrolitycal coatings)PN-EN ISO 9223:2012Korozja metali i stopów - Korozyjność atmosfer - Klasyfikacja, określenie i ocena(Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Classification, determination and estimation)PN-EN ISO 12944-2:2018Farby i lakiery.
That determination will be made later, but as of today, there is no existing position description to move Sharon into, leading to a possible Classification determination.
As the parent of a child who has or may have a disability, you have the right to participate in meetings and make determinations regarding the following:● Identification (decision to evaluate);● Evaluation (nature and scope of assessment procedures);● Classification (determination of whether your child is eligible for special education and related services);● Development and review of your child’s individualized education program (IEP);● Educational placement of your child; and● Reevaluation of your child.
As the parent of a child who has or may have a disability, you have the right to participate in meetings and make determinations regarding the following:• Identification (decision to evaluate);• Evaluation (nature and scope of assessment procedures);• Classification (determination of whether your child is eligible for special education and related services);• Development and review of your child’s individualized education program (IEP);• Educational placement of your child; and• Reevaluation of your child.
Further details and guidance can be found in the OECD CRS, the Commentary, or local law and guidance. Irrespective of the similarities, the AEI Entity Classification determination might differ from the Entity classification determined for FATCA purposes.
Where a complaint alleges conduct that implicates multiple categories of CRB’s jurisdiction, OPR shall include all Allegations in making the Classification determination and referral.