Classification of benefits definition
Examples of Classification of benefits in a sentence
In this example, the minimum weighted average annual dollar limit that can be applied to mental health or substance use disorder benefits is $640,000 (40% × $100,000 + 60%× $1,000,000 = $640,000).(c) Parity requirements with respect to financial requirements and treatment limitations—(1) Clarification of terms—(i) Classification of benefits.
In this example, the minimum weighted average an- nual dollar limit that can be applied to men- tal health or substance use disorder benefits is $640,000 (40% × $100,000 + 60% × $1,000,000 =$640,000).(c) Parity requirements with respect to financial requirements and treatment limi- tations—(1) Clarification of terms—(i) Classification of benefits.
Likewise, the European Union Sustainable Finance Action Plan has established new definitions for sustainable and responsible investment embedded in legislation, accelerated by an international sustainability agenda that highlights the role of finance in effecting meaningful change through global agreements like the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
For purposes of this paragraph (c)(4), the weighting applica- ble to any category of medical/surgical benefits is determined in the manner set forth in paragraph (c)(3) of this sec- tion for determining one-third or two- thirds of all medical/surgical benefits.(d) Parity requirements for financial re- quirements and treatment limitations—(1) Clarification of terms—(i) Classification of benefits.
Classification of benefits of R&D programsCategories SubcategoriesValue-creating benefit Consumer-based benefit Producer-based benefitCost-reducing benefit Production cost-reducing benefit Damage cost-reducing benefitCost-benefit analysis is used as the basic method to analyze the effects of an R&D program on the national economy.