Clean data definition
Examples of Clean data in a sentence
Clean data then can be sent to the application in a format that the application can understand and use.
Clean data areas under today’s final rule are moderate and above ozone areas with three years of clean data for the 8- hour ozone standard that have not submitted a maintenance plan and for which EPA believes it is reasonable to interpret the Clean Air Act’s reasonable further progress and attainment demonstration requirements so as not to require areas that are meeting the ozone standard to make certain SIP submissions.
Include the correct presentation of complexities such as flats and sub-premises.• Clean data to get postal discountsClean name and address data will also enable you to get the best possible postal discounts for mailings.
Clean data were obtained by filtering raw data with low-quality and duplicate reads.
Phase IData Preparation: Clean data Match data setsPhase IIInstrument Analysis: Factor Analysis ReliabilityPhase IIIDescriptive Analysis: Central tendency Mean differences CorrelationPhase IVWriting Analysis:Writing sampleso Scored Figure 5.
Clean data should be decrypted exclusively by designated recipients.
Section 93.101 is amended by removing paragraphs (1) through (6) of the definition for ‘‘National ambient air quality standards (NAAQS)’’ and by revising the definition for ‘‘Clean data’’ to read as follows:§ 93.101 Definitions.* * * * *Clean data means air quality monitoring data determined by EPA to meet the applicable requirements of 40 CFR Parts 50 and 58 and to indicate attainment of a NAAQS.* * * * *§ 93.105 [Amended]■ 3.
For example, MCS Great British Beach Clean data from 2015 to 2020 has revealed a 68% decline in carrier bags recorded on Scottish beaches since all the respective UK charges were put in place, potentially reducing exposure of marine biodiversity to that form of single-use plastic, and we would anticipate future bans and market restrictions on other plastic single-use items to lead to a reduction in exposure of marine biodiversity to any additional items.
The final products of this consultancy are:- A final detailed technical workplan to deliver the required tasks submitted;- Study tools both in Vietnamese and English;- Clean data set and/or transcripts of interviews ready for analysis; and- A final report on Vietnamese youth financial preparation for ageing available both in Vietnamese and English.
Clean data makes it more likely that you get the claim right to begin with, or more simply put: Clean Data = Rapid Payment Clean data also simplifies the appeals process in the un- likely event that you find yourself battling over payment (despite your best efforts to assure that your data is accu- rate).