Examples of Client Number in a sentence
CLIENT_NBR Servicer Client Number SERV_INVESTOR_NBR Contains a unique number as assigned by an external servicer to identify a group of loans in their system.
To find the claim to be adjusted, the provider should enter the participant Departmental Client Number (DCN) and DOS in the search box, and choose the highlighted Internal Control Number (ICN).
In most cases, this information is automatically provided by your computer software.(101-A1)Cardholder ID NumberThe Cardholder ID Number is the eight position alpha numeric Medicaid Client Number (CIN) or the thirteen digit Access Number without the six digit ISO # prefix.
Enter your Full Legal Business Name, TDA Client Number, and TDA License Number.
Tomczyk, 309, 321 East Second Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7C 1C6, telephone number (604) 983-4269, Client Number 142277, Agent for Hugh Grenfal, 3337 West Thirty Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6S 1W6, telephone number (604) 605-0885, Client Number 110359, hereby apply for a record of a 2 post claim for the location as outlined on the attached copy of mineral titles reference map number(s) 82 F 4 Est (MO82F002), the Trial Creek Mining Division.