Examples of CMPD in a sentence
The CMPD encourages you to call 9-1-1 anytime you feel that a suspicious person may be “casing” an area.
This division works closely with the human and gender advisor within the CMPD and the Chair of the COHOM.426 This unit elaborates the guidelines on human rights, gender and IHL applicable to the EU external policies, including CSDP.
The Crisis Management Planning Directorate (CMPD) within the Council Secretariat is tasked with drafting the Crisis Management Concept (CMC), which outlines the EU’s political interests, objectives and civilian and military strategic options for responding to the crisis, supported by the relevant units within the European Commission.
Call 311 Housing, graffiti, zoning, non-residential building code, health & sanitation, signage violations that occur M-F 8am-5pm (violations that occur at night and on the weekends are forwarded to CMPD by Code Enforcement/311)Charlotte-Mecklenburg Zoning Administration ………………………… 704-353-1132Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT)…………………….
P1.4 is used for CMPA and CMPD thus can be configured to detect two thresholds simultaneously.
CMPD representatives will make periodic inspections of secondary employment jobs.
Qualified Companies will be required to pass Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) background checks prior to entry to CMPD locations.
For example, Myolodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and chronic myeloproliferative disease (CMPD) are considered malignant cancer in ICD-O-3, as are papillary ependymomas and papillary meningiomas, which according to ICD-O-3, are included in the “Brain and Nervous System” and “All Cancers Combined” categories.
All off-duty for CMPD will be scheduled and paid through the online PowerDetails platform.
In the event of extension, modification, adaptation, redesign, restoration, right of reproduction or right of restoration etc., the rights of the party granting rights in accordance with Section 14 UrhG (German Copyright Act) shall be preserved to protect its legitimate intellectual and personal interests in the Work.