Examples of Coal Gasification in a sentence
The coal produced from the Coal Mine may be sold by the Successful Bidder in any manner as may be decided by the Successful Bidder including sale to Affiliates and related parties, utilisation of coal for any purpose including but not limited to captive consumption, Coal Gasification, Coal Liquefaction and export of coal.
I., Serbin, S.: Preliminary Design and CFD Modeling of a 1 MW Hybrid Plasma Torch for Waste Destruction and Coal Gasification, 2nd Int.
Value addition of low grade manganese mineral.2. Development of Deep seated lignite and coal deposit thorough Underground Coal Gasification method.3. Laterite and low alumina content bauxite value addition for use in proposed Alumina projects.
The bidder has to submit Letter of Support/MOU from the Process Licensor for technology tie up for the proposed Coal Gasification Technology and Process Integration for the complete plant under LSTK Contractor Battery Limit.
Finally, the Teensy has both more RAM and clock speed than the ATmega by a significant margin which allows the usage of programs that both use more memory and execution time.
H., Li, Z., Ni, W., Larson, E.D., and Ren, T., “Case Study of a Coal Gasification-Based Energy Supply System for China,” Proceedings, Workshop on Coal Gasification for Clean and Secure Energy convened by Task Force on Energy Strategies and Technologies, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, Beijing, 25-26 August 2003.
In addition, the absence of vigorous competition lessens the pressure on producers to make efficient use of resources.
The stylistic beauty is related to the personal writing style of poets while the imagery beauty is about the artistic conception and the image that contain the author’s emotion.
L.C. and Love, S.L., “Site Selection and Characterization for an Underground Coal Gasification Test in Washington State.” Final Report, Volume 1 Project Summary and Volume 2 Project Details.
M/s Shell shall be the Process Integrator for Coal Gasification Plant including Gas Purification, SRU, ASU etc.