Examples of COC in a sentence
Adds a new provision that the Advisory Committee membership must comply with HUD COC Board requirements and should maximize the COC’s competitiveness for federal funds.
The Authority’s role related to the provision of permanent housing shall be limited to 281 those activities for which it is responsible in its role as COC Lead Entity and other activities 282 the Governing Board has provided the Authority approval to explicitly contract for with 283 Funders.
PBC COC and CMIS Administrator make no warranties, expressed or implied.
If required by R.C. § 125.111(B) and O.A.C § 123: 2-3-02, Grantee shall have a valid Certificate of Compliance (COC) from the Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Equal Opportunity Division demonstrating compliance with affirmative action program requirements.
If a Certificate of Conformance is indicated as required on the purchase document, the COC must contain at a minimum the Seller’s name, manufacturer (if other than Seller), Battelle PO#, Battelle Item Identification (Part) Number with revision level, Manufacturer’s part number with revision level (if applicable), serial numbers (if applicable), batch identification of the item such as date code, lot, etc.; quantity of items covered on COC, signature of Seller’s representative, and date of certification.