Examples of Coincident Peak Demand in a sentence
The amount of capacity required for the forecasted Coincident Peak Demand of a Customer to meet the MISO Resource Adequacy Requirements (Module E-1 of the MISO Tariff).
It is found by subtracting the Coincident Peak Demand from the Peak Demand.
For purposes of clearing the system-wide PRMR the time horizon is an hour, representing the projected maximum Coincident Peak Demand.
Excess Demand (ED): ED is the kW difference between Peak Demand and Coincident Peak Demand (see above).
Regional Coincident Peak Demand (RCPD): The measure of demand used by Transpower for its transmission grid charges.
Coincident Peak Demand is used to establish an LSE’s PRMR while Local Resource Zone Peak Demand is used to establish an LRZ’s LRR.
We have found that a consumer group’s contribution to GXP peaks is very similar to that group’s contribution to Transpower’s Regional Coincident Peak Demand (RCPD) periods.
Renewable Energy PremiumAvailabilityThe renewable energy premium is available as an option to all residential, commercial, and industrial customers served under Schedules R, RD, SG, LG, PS, PT, and Coincident Peak Demand Service.
Note – This is different from the kW Demand in the LG1 rate.Excess Demand (ED): ED is the kW difference between Peak Demand and Coincident Peak Demand (see above).
Section 68A.1, Establishment of Planning Reserve Margins (“The Transmission Provider will determine a Planning Reserve Margin (PRM) using analytical study methods described in Section 68A.2, provided that if a state regulatory body establishes a PRM for its regulated entities that is higher or lower than the PRM determined by the Transmission Provider, then the state-established PRM will apply to the Coincident Peak Demand of LSEs under that state’s jurisdiction.”).