Collection Efficiency definition

Collection Efficiency means the overall performance of the air cleaning device in terms of ratio of weight of material collected to total weight of input to the collector.
Collection Efficiency means the ratio of total revenue realised to total revenue billed for the same year.
Collection Efficiency means the ratio of total revenue realised to the total revenue billed during the same financial year. The revenue realisation from arrears pertaining to the same financial year shall be included but revenue realisation from late payment surcharge and arrears pertaining to the previous years shall not be included for computation of collection efficiency;

Examples of Collection Efficiency in a sentence

  • Reconciliation of Debtors and Computation of Collection Efficiency XXXVI.

  • Point Processes DescriptionUncontrolled Emission Factors Collection Efficiency Control Efficiency Unit Emi.

  • Standard Test Method for Collection Efficiency of High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter;" approved 1971, as amended on Jan.

  • Controls on Landfill Gas Collection Efficiency: Instantaneous and Lifetime Performance.

  • The Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) measurements are performed using the ALiBaVa setup [8], designed to readout multi-channel silicon strip sensors using radiation-hard Beetle chips.

More Definitions of Collection Efficiency

Collection Efficiency means the ratio of total revenue realized to the total revenue billed for the same year;
Collection Efficiency means payment received against the current demand raised in the bills of the distribution business/licensee, excluding the payment of arrears, as aggregated for a financial year
Collection Efficiency means the ratio of total revenue realized to the total revenue billed during the same financial year. The revenue realization from arrears pertaining to the same financial year shall be included but revenue realization from
Collection Efficiency means the ratio of total revenue realized against sale of energy to the total amount billed for sale of energy for the same period;
Collection Efficiency means the ratio of total revenue realised and the total revenue billed for a particular period and shall be calculated as under:
Collection Efficiency means the payment received against the demand raised in the bills of the distribution business/ licensee for a particular period, expressed as a percentage excluding the payment of arrears;
Collection Efficiency means the ratio of revenue actually realized from consumers and energy billed to Consumers in percentage terms for a particular period and shall be calculated as below: Collection Efficiency (%) = (Revenue realized from Consumers / Energy Amount Billed to Consumers) x 100