College Rules definition
Examples of College Rules in a sentence
By entering into this contract you agree to comply with the College Statutes and Bylaws as amended from time to time and with the College Rules, Regulations and Codes of Policy, Practice and Procedure which are made under them.
These rules prescribe public contract Special Procurements (exemptions), whereby a Local Contract Review Board may approve a special procurement (pursuant to ORS 279B.085), personal services contracting rules, competitive procurement process rules, and supplementary provisions for community colleges, who have formally adopted through board resolution, these Community College Rules of Procurement, hereinafter referred to as Rules or CCRP.
In accordance with the Oregon Community College Rules of Procurement, member colleges are committed to the use and purchase of environmentally and socially responsible materials and products, which are fiscally responsible, reduce resource consumption and waste, perform adequately, and promote human health and well-being.
These Community College Rules of Procurement (CCRP), were drafted through a statewide, collaborative effort by representatives of Participating Oregon Community Colleges (POCC).
As at other universities, a person accepting admission to the College thereby accepts an obligation to obey the College Rules and those of the University and to pay such fees, dues and charges as the College or University may lawfully determine.