College Policies definition
College Policies means obligations as to conduct as set out in College website, including, without limitation any codes of behaviour for the College’s students and parents, bullying prevention and intervention policies, and Uniform policies as amended, and all College policies as otherwise advised, by the College from time to time
College Policies means obligations as to conduct published by the college including the college website, including, without limitation, any codes of behaviour for the students and parents/legal guardians of the college, student wellbeing and management policies and fee policy as amended, and all other college policies as otherwise advised by the college from time to time.
College Policies means all rules, policies and procedures that apply to the resident as set out in the College Handbook;
Examples of College Policies in a sentence
In the event of a conflict between the School District Policies and College Policies, College Policies shall control.
A material breach of this XXX includes, but is not limited to, a violation of College Policies or the policies of the School District, the making of a misrepresentation or false statement by one of the Parties, nonperformance of the Party's duties, or the occurrence of a conflict of interest between the Parties.
More Definitions of College Policies
College Policies means the body of policies of the College as may be amended from time to time for legal, safety or other substantive reasons, or in order to assist the proper administration of the College. The College polices are published on the website and updated from time to time;
College Policies means obligations as to conduct as published by the College including as set out in the College website and MyConnect, including, without limitation any codes of behaviour for the College’s students, Community Expectations Policy, student wellbeing and management policies, Payment of Fees and Charges (refer section 6 of this document), and all College policies as otherwise advised by the College from time to time.
College Policies means all rules, policies and procedures that apply
College Policies means obligations as to conduct published by the College including the College website, including, without limitation any codes of behaviour for the students of the College, Child Safety policies and Fee Policy as amended, and all College policies as otherwise advised by the College from time to time
College Policies means all rules, policies and procedures that apply to the Resident as set out in the College Handbook;
College Policies means all rules, policies and procedures that apply tothe Resident as set out in the College Handbook;
College Policies means the College Policies for each part of the College which are set out on the College website ( or otherwise available from the College at any time upon request and form part of these Terms and Conditions.