CSO Outfall definition
Examples of CSO Outfall in a sentence
The CSO MRO form includes the following reporting parameters: • WWTP Influent Data: average daily flow, and peak hourly flow.• Precipitation Data: time precipitation began, precipitation duration, total daily precipitation, peak precipitation intensity, and rain gauge measurement interval.• CSO Outfall Information: time discharge began, whether the outfall is metered or estimated, event duration, amount of CSO discharge.
Between 2009 and 2015, the City invested $12 million in the CSO Outfall Monitoring Program.
The term “Combined Sewer System” includes the collection system owned and operated by Peoria, including the CSO Outfalls and associated CSO Outfall pipes, as well as the Throttle Pipes, Regulator Structures, and Riverfront Interceptor owned and operated by GPSSD.
Partial and complete separation of sewers in each of CRW’s CSO Outfall tributary areas, and deep tunnel storage, shall be considered feasible technologies for this purpose and be carried forward for further evaluation.
CSO 03C is now associated with CSO Outfall 02.2. Frequency reflects any simultaneous overflows from multiple regulators to a common outfall3.