Commission clerk definition
Examples of Commission clerk in a sentence
The original and one copy of the report, based on the company’s most recent fiscal year, is to be filed with the Commission clerk not later than 90 days after the close of the company’s fiscal year.
The land divider shall inform the Plan Commission clerk in writing of the impending land division and shall request information on meeting dates, agenda deadlines and filing requirements from the Town Clerk.
Merrimack is fortunate in that it retains several areas of large, relatively unbrokenhabitat.
The chairperson shall appoint a Commission clerk, as provided upon staff recommendation.
Specifically the Company suggests that the particular hearing requirements of 39-3-11 are met when either a concerned party submits a written letter to the Commission clerk relating to a rate issue or a party appears at the Commission's monthly "Open Meeting" where final utility decisions and votes are formalized and other Commission administrative and housekeeping matters are resolved.
Motion by Jones, supported by Lammers, to appoint Janelle Kaiser as the Clerk- Treasurer, Plan Commission clerk, and Board of Appeals clerk, effective April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019.
The Commission’s determination is not a routine matter.The Commission’s action in allegedly establishing the 2014 schedule of penalties – without actual distribution of the schedule of penalties to be adopted – through telephone and email contacts coordinated by a Commission clerk cannot be countenanced.
In addition, the applicant for all posted NoI and RDA public hearings is responsible for submitting to the Commission clerk on or before the hearing date, a check made payable to “Stonebridge Press” for the cost of the legal advertisement as posted in the local newspaper (The cost of the legal advertisement will be submitted to the applicant in writing).
Mr. Chase noted this was above and beyond the Planning Commission clerk hours and duties, and he asked if the money was in the budget.
A Petition proposing to amend the Regional Policy Plan (“Petition”) may be submitted to the Commission clerk for consideration by the Commission provided it contains a certification in one of the following manners: • By majority vote of the County Commissioners; • By majority (weighted) vote of the Assembly of Delegates; or • By certified signatures of not less than 750 of the persons registered to vote in Barnstable County as of the date of the most recent state election.