Examples of Commit in a sentence
FirstLight will exercise commercially reasonable efforts to install any FirstLight Cloud Computing Services on or before the Customer Commit Date specified for the particular FirstLight Cloud Computing Service.
FirstLight will notify Customer of any updates and/or changes to the Customer Commit Date as soon as practicable.
In the event Customer fails to pay such non-recurring charges within the time period specified in the Customer Order, FirstLight may suspend installation of the Service (without any liability, including but not limited to, liability for Service Level credits) until receipt of such non-recurring charges, and thereafter, FirstLight may issue a new Customer Commit Date.
When deciding whether there is a ‘good reason’ to examine data or files on a device, the staff member should only do so if they reasonably suspect that the data has been, or could be, used to: Cause harm, and/or Undermine the safe environment of the school or disrupt teaching, and/or Commit an offence If inappropriate material is found on the device, it is up to the staff member in conjunction with the DSL, headteacher and/ or a member of the strategic leadership team to decide on a suitable response.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , T r a v e l & A c c o m m o d a t i o n Union-Management Commit tee .