Examples of COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL in a sentence
The proposal also supports our corporate priority - Living within our Means.4. CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN PRIOR TO DECISION BEING MADE: Should Cabinet determine to appoint a strategic partner then staff and Trade Union consultation will form an integral part of the transition and TUPE process that will be required.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: Cabinet – 21st June 20186.
PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: • Public Service, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee - 27th September 2018.• Social Landlords Sub Group of Committee Working Group• Enforcement Sub Group of Committee Working Group6.
Further engagement will be undertaken with stakeholders in relation to the planning and delivery of the project.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.
A letter will be sent to parents who purchased a seat during the Autumn Term 2019, informing them of the change in legislation that will prevent from selling spare seats on its contracts, and the mitigation that is being put in place to ensure compliance.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.
Further engagement will be undertaken with stakeholders in the planning and delivery of the projects.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.
This processes are also linked with the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, helping to create a resilient Wales and a Wales of cohesive communities.4. CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN PRIOR TO DECISION BEING MADE: As detailed within the report a public consultation took place between the 8th July and the 5th August 2019.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.
For example, a prosperous Wales, a more equal Wales, a healthier Wales and a Wales of cohesive communities.4. CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN PRIOR TO DECISION BEING MADE: The proposal has involved high level discussions between the principal parties to the agreement; Welsh Government, Transport for Wales, the Local Authorities within Wales and the bus operators, including the Confederation of Passenger Transport.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.
This will help to provide evidence from the public and stakeholders for the further design of the redevelopment and the LUF business case.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.
Increasing the proportion of employed residents will support economic growth in the area, help raise household income levels, tackle inequality and generate greater prosperity for communities.4. CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN PRIOR TO DECISION BEING MADE: The majority of projects included in this report were identified within the Council’s Adopted Local Development Plan which was subject to extensive consultation and public engagement.5. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATION BY A COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL: None6.