Commodity rate definition

Commodity rate means the portion of gas costs billed by a gas or natural gas company's suppliers (expressed in dollars and cents per Mcf, dekatherm, or BTU), which relates volumetrically to the cost of the units of gas obtained by the company for sale to its customers. For purposes of the calculations required under rule 4901:1-14-05 of the Administrative Code, "commodity rate" means the average of the commodity rates expected to be in effect during the period the new gas cost recovery rate will be in effect.
Commodity rate means a rate published to apply to a commodity specifically named or described.
Commodity rate means the specific rate applicable to a commodity, as described in a tariff.

Examples of Commodity rate in a sentence

  • Drought Surcharges (deactivated): A drought surcharge will be added to the Customer’s applicable Commodity rate when the City Council has determined that a Water reduction level is in effect for the City as described in Section D.6. The drought surcharges in the table below are measured in dollars per hundred cubic feet (ccf).

  • Where: And: AFMAV = FMAV x [(U – DF) / U] FDV = AFMAV – (FV – F) FMAV = Firm Minimum Annual Volume U = number of days in the Contract Year DF = number of days of Force Majeure in the Contract Year FV = total Firm volume consumed in the Contract Year F = volumes delivered to the Points of Consumption during Force Majeure The payment required for the FDV shall be calculated by multiplying FDV by the Monthly Firm Delivery Commodity rate as of the last day of the Contract Year.

  • Commodity(¢/KWhr)Total Rate Change(¢/KWhr)Total Rate Change(%) DWR-BC rate is reflected in the Average Commodity rate.

  • Commodity rate riskExposure to market risk with respect to commodity prices primarily arises from the Group’s purchases and Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statementsfor the year ended March 31, 2020 sales of active pharmaceutical ingredients, including the raw material components for such active pharmaceutical ingredients.

  • Centra proposes to replace Primary Gas and Supplemental Gas rates with a single Gas Commodity rate.

More Definitions of Commodity rate

Commodity rate means a unit rate expressed in dollars per unit, payable by a user and applied to the actual water consumption as determined in this Ordinance.
Commodity rate means the charge for water and sewer usage, based on cubic feet of consumption. Commodity charge shall not include meter reading fees, late charges, interest or other associated charges.
Commodity rate. ’ means a rate applicable to a specific article or articles described in the tariff in which the rate is published. The tariff containing such rates is a ‘‘commodity tariff.’’
Commodity rate means a rate published to apply on a commodity or commodities that are specifically named or described in the tariff or a separate commodity list.
Commodity rate means the Monthly rate per MMBtu for Service actually utilized by Customer in respect of a Transaction as agreed to by Katy and Customer.
Commodity rate means the rate to be charged by the Seller for each 1,000 gallons of water delivered by Seller, or other allocation of a proportion of the Commodity Costs, established by the Seller’s Board of Directors from time to time in an amount sufficient to recover Seller’s Commodity Cost.
Commodity rate means charge based upon estimated volume of wastewater generated.