Examples of Community Facilities Contribution in a sentence
The emission rate for indoor biomass burning is based on several pieces of information: The emis- sion factor of indoor biomass burning to outdoor air is taken from GAINS (GAINS, 2010) and Struschka et al.
Not to Occupy more than 25% of the Dwellings until 50% of the total of all other Financial Contributions, aside from the Secondary Education Contribution and the Community Facilities Contribution, have been paid to the Council.
The S75 agreement states that “In the event that the contribution (or any part thereof) not having been committed by [Angus Council] within 5 years of the date of payment then, upon written request of the Scottish Ministers, [Angus Council] shall refund to Scottish Ministers any uncommitted amount of the Community Facilities Contribution (including any interest thereon.)” A deadline of 23 November 2020 for commitment of the funds therefore applies.
No to Occupy 50% of the Dwellings until 100% of the Community Facilities Contribution has been paid to the Council.
Payment of the $2,000,000 City Community Facilities Contribution shall be contingent upon the Tribe receiving a credit from the State in recognition of this amount for the above-stated purposes in the Tribe’s yet to be finalized Tribal- State Compact.