Examples of Transport Contribution in a sentence
The applicants have suggested that only 50% of the Sustainable Transport Contribution should be paid due to the sustainable location of the site and that £20,000 should be paid to fund the off site wildflower mitigation with no further contribution in respect of greenspace due to the level of provision on site.
No objection to the proposal subject to conditions and the provision of a Sustainable Transport Contribution.
The Highways Authority does not seek a Transport Contribution in this case because the traffic generation potential of the proposed development is not considered to be significantly different from that potentially arising from the existing uses of the application site.
Transport The application is located within the West Edinburgh Transport Contribution Zone.A developer contribution is to be secured by way of suitable legal agreement for specific targeted infrastructure contributions associated with, or as part of, the development proposals for wider strategic infrastructure improvements in West Edinburgh as described in the LDP Supplementary Guidance - Developer Contributions & Infrastructure Delivery.
This is seemingly accepted by Officers in return for a £1.2m of Strategic Transport Contribution.