Comparability means that estimates of emissions reported by Parties in their inventories should be comparable. For that purpose, Parties should use the accepted methodologies as elaborated in section V below and the NFR formats for making estimations and reporting their inventories;
Comparability. Any two decisions of correct processes are comparable, even when they happen on different processes;
Comparability means that the statistical information shall be comparable in time and space limits.
Examples of Comparability in a sentence
Comparability of the total benefit package shall be determined by the Contracting Officer in his/her sole discretion.
The MCR AGR Grade Comparability Table, ANG1 36-101, 3 June 2010, table 13.1, will be used to determine the highest possible AGR grade that is allowed and is applicable to a full-time position requirement on the UMD.
Comparability of performance and the possibility of comparable performance shall be determined solely by the Agency.
Comparability is a qualitative parameter expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared with another.
Comparability may be determined on a school-by-school basis or by grade span.
More Definitions of Comparability
Comparability means that estimates of emissions and removals reported by Annex I Parties in their inventories should be comparable among Annex I Parties. For that purpose, Annex I Parties should use the methodologies and formats agreed by the COP for making estimations and reporting their inventories. The allocation of different source/sink categories should follow the CRF tables provided in annex II to decision 24/CP.19 at the level of the summary and sectoral tables;
Comparability. Given any pair pi, pj ∈ C we have that either deci ≤ decj or decj ≤ deci;
Comparability means that a given product has highly similar quality attributes before and after manufacturing process changes, and that no adverse impact on the safety or efficacy, including immunogenicity, of the drug product occurred. This conclusion can be based on an analysis of product quality
Comparability means that a given product has highly similar quality attributes before and after manufacturing process changes, and that no adverse impact on the safety or efficacy, including immunogenicity, of the drug product occurred. This conclusion can be based on an analysis of product quality attributes. In some cases, non-clinical or clinical data might contribute to the conclusion.
Comparability means that a standard set of financial reporting principles are used. But given options, reporting entities are free to choose between allowed alternatives. For example, one company might use FIFO for valuing inventories and another uses LIFO.
Comparability means that quality of financial information which exists when users of that information are able to discern and evaluate similarities in, and differences between, the nature and effects of transactions and events, at one time and over time, either when assessing aspects of a single reporting entity or of a number of reporting entities;
Comparability means the determination that a candidate has demonstrated the essence of a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities required by a commission program standard through another route.