Examples of Annex I Parties in a sentence
Annex I Parties that are Party to the Kyoto Protocol will thereby further strengthen the emissions reductions initiated by the Kyoto Protocol.
Subsequent decisions by the Conference of the Parties elaborated the role of Annex I Parties in preparing national inventories.
Entry into force required 55 Parties to the Convention to ratify the Protocol, including Annex I Parties accounting for 55 percent of that group’s carbon dioxide emissions in 1990.
Annex I Parties commit to implement individually or jointly the quantified economy-wide emissions targets for 2020, to be submitted in the format given in Appendix I by Annex I Parties to the secretariat by 31 January 2010 for compilation in an INF document.
All of that information will be subject to the international assessment and review (IAR) and an international expert team review, as well as to a compliance assessment for Annex I Parties that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol;b.
A first assessment should be reported in the fourth national communications of Annex I Parties due in 2005.
Non- Annex I Parties will communicate information on the implementation of their actions through National Communications, with provisions for international consultations and analysis under clearly defined guidelines that will ensure that national sovereignty is respected.
Greenhouse gases covered by the Protocol are CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6.February 2005.25 The individual targets for Annex I Parties add up to a total cut in greenhouse-gas emissions of at least 5 percent from 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008-2012.Only a few industrialized countries have not signed the Kyoto Protocol; these countries include the United States, Australia, and Monaco.
The amendment includes: New commitments for Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol who agreed to take on commitments in a second commitment period from 2013 – 2020, a revised list of greenhouse gases (GHG) to be reported on by Parties in the second commitment period, and Amendments to several articles of the Kyoto Protocol, which specifically referenced issues pertaining to the first commitment period and which needed to be updated for the second commitment period.
The Protocol states that Annex I Parties are committed — individually or jointly — to ensuring that their aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases do not exceed amounts assigned to each country in Annex B to the Protocol, “with a view to reducing their overall emissions of such gases by at least 5% below 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008 to 2012.” Annex A lists the 6 major greenhouse gases covered by the treaty2.