THE SCOPE. The Agency shall provide a registered motor vehicle which has the necessary permit and is registered for use as a passenger contract carriage / tourist vehicle (the “Vehicle”). The Agency shall also provide with the Vehicle a Driver having an effective and valid driving license for the same class of Vehicle (the Driver”). The Agency shall provide the Vehicle with the Driver for use by the Company’s Project at its Site / Office or location specified by it.
THE SCOPE. This Slab Specification concerns alloys of the families 1000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000 and 8000 and defines the general requirements with regards to: • metal chemical composition, • geometrical characteristics, • slab surface quality, • metallurgical quality, • quality assurance, • shipment, packing, • environment.
THE SCOPE. 1.1 The subject of this contractual agreement is for the charter of both Passenger and CARGO [PERMISSIBLE BY CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT] from the point of departure to the point of destination.
1.2 XXXXXXXX PRIVATE JETS CORP, in consultation with IACP&FJO reserves the right to utilize any empty capacity the aircraft may have, including Empty Legs (X.Xx) of the flight, before, during or after the period in which the aircraft is available to The Customer, without any compensation.
1.3 XXXXXXXX, in consultation with IACP&FJO is entitled to change the route, flight schedule, seating capacity and maximum take-off weight if these are required under certain operational circumstances not caused by XXXXXXXX/IACP&FJO. The decision to make any such changes remains with the Pilot-in-Command and
THE SCOPE. The TAS will support GoMP in executing MPUSP-2, as well as managing the roll-over activities of the first phase including of municipal management information systems (MMIS), property tax reforms, e-governance, promoting energy efficiency in municipal functions (details of these are in Annex 3). This will include providing specific and drawdown inputs to MSU and UADD, as well as to the target 14 urban local bodies (ULBs) in achieving objectives of the programme. In addition, the TAS will provide strategic technical support to MSU and UADD for scale-up of key reforms parameters (planning, finance functions, service delivery) to all ULBs in the state. The TAS will also provide capacity building support to supplement the scaled-up activities. The selected firm will also ensure effective harmonisation with aid support provided by other multilateral and bilateral donor institutions as detailed in Section 5. The TAS will engage in a participatory consultation and collaboration process with key players and stakeholders in Madhya Pradesh for effective implementation of the programme. The TAS will work as a facilitator to ensure that ownership of the initiatives remains with UADD and respective ULBs so that knowledge transfer and learning are optimised.
THE SCOPE. 2.2.1 The scope will be detailed within the Call-Off where the terms;
(a) Will establish which Category/Categories the Service Contract(s) are applicable to.
(b) Will establish what Services are to be included in the proposed Service Contract(s) and what Services are to be excluded from the proposed Service Contract(s).
(c) Will establish Service Contracts that consist of one of the categories as set out below:
(i) A specified number of units and/or placements and/or bed-night places and/or hours, including circumstances where services are to be delivered in a number of flats, tenancies or hybrid provision within a building is the requirement;
(ii) Groups of specified numbers of units and/or placements and/or bed- night places and/or hours, including circumstances where Service(s) are to be delivered in a number of flats, tenancies or hybrid service provision, within a number of buildings is the requirement;
(iii) A group of named or unnamed individuals (or a combination of named or unnamed individuals), including circumstances where specialist Services for complex behaviours or needs is the requirement;
(iv) A single named or unnamed individual including circumstances where specialist Services for complex behaviours or needs is the requirement.
(d) Will establish the configuration of Services commissioned in any defined commissioning phase;
(e) Will establish the specific district(s), locality/localities, geographical area(s) where Services are to be delivered;
(f) May establish Service Contracts with defined provision to flexibly increase or decrease to service volumes or commissioning budget, align to legislative requirements or evolve Services to meet changing needs of Service User(s) based on criteria communicated at the point of call-off;
(g) May establish Service Contracts for Services that are associated with named accommodation. Where the proposed Service Contract concerns Services provided at named accommodation the associated accommodation will be identified prior to the Call-Off Procedure commencing;
(h) May establish Service Contracts for accommodation based Services that are not associated with named accommodation and which the Service Provider is free to select;
(i) Will establish a Service Contract Commencement Date;
(j) Will establish the length of Initial Term and any number of extension provisions provided at all times that the length of time the Service Contract is in effect, including any extensions, does not exceed 4 years;
THE SCOPE. The Compilation of an Operations Manual for the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)/ Drones for Eskom Utility Applications.
THE SCOPE. (Documents comprising this Scope) The Scope comprises the following documents: [list documents comprising the scope]; [list documents comprising the scope].
THE SCOPE. The scope of the Study (“Scope”) shall include: • Coordination of the relevant activities of the Parties and the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service related to improvements and funding of capital improvements and maintenance needs for the B-2, B-3 and B-4 Dams required because of the classification change; • An analysis of potential cost-share approaches to future capital and operation and maintenance costs of the B-2, B-3, and B-4 Dams. The Consultant will review and update available cost estimates for the B-2 and B-3 dams and develop a cost estimate for the B-4 dam. The cost estimate for the B-4 dam will be a planning level estimate based on current data available; • Conduct an assessment of the potential reclassification of the B-5 and B-6 dams including a high-level risk and financial implications and make recommendation(s) for potential improvements needed. • An assessment of the B Dams, including the liabilities and risks associated with potential future reclassification and therefore needing future improvements. • The Parties will meet with the Consultant to further jointly develop and modify the Scope as may be necessary. Before the Consultant begins the Study, each of the Parties shall confirm in writing (such as by email or otherwise) that any modifications to the Scope are acceptable. The total costs of the Study shall be limited to $250,000.
THE SCOPE. The operations of the service provider will be organised around (but will not be restricted to) the following key functions.
4.1.1 Key function 1: Provision of technical assistance to the National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC) and key line Ministries. The First 1000 Most Critical Days Programme includes a capacity building component to strengthen the coordination function and organisational management of the NFNC, as well as of key line Ministries. The service provider will need to deploy a core team of 2-3 experts to provide technical assistance to the NFNC across three main areas: programme coordination/institutional strengthening, monitoring and evaluation and communications. The service provider will also need to provide short- term TA as needed. The service provider will draft ToR for the short-term TA based on programme priorities and needs, to be agreed by the Steering Committee (see below). Findings and recommendations from a forthcoming organisational review of the NFNC should be available by the start of the programme. The service provider will need to support the implementation of the review recommendations. Details are provided in Annex 1 – Overview of Key Stakeholders for the SUN Fund.
4.1.2 Key function 2: Development of costed annual workplans, reporting, documentation and dissemination of lessons learnt The service provider will use the First 1000 Most Critical Days Programme design documents (Annexes 2a, b &c) to develop annual costed workplans with the NFNC The workplans will outline priority tasks for the year ahead and identify areas where the NFNC, line Ministries, districts and other key stakeholders are likely to need specific support. Costed workplans will be approved on an annual basis by the SUN Fund Steering Committee. A draft annual workplan for year 1 has been developed but the service provider will need to revise this in collaboration with the NFNC and partners. Please refer to the First 1,000 MCD Programme 1st year and 3-year documents for details. The service provider will develop quarterly and annual narrative and financial reports for submission to the SUN Fund Steering Committee. These reports will be compiled from quarterly reports submitted by grant recipients and will document progress against the costed annual workplan for the SUN Fund. The reports will form the basis for review of progress in Fund implementation at quarterly meetings of the Fund Steering Committee. Specifically, the reports compiled by the ser...
THE SCOPE. The Scope of the procurement is as follows and attached in Annexes B and C. Twelve 4x4 Station Wagons for urban/rural transportation of 7-8 Passengers each (two per region) Six Saloon/Sedan for urban transportation of 4-5 Passengers (six vehicles)