Complex Change definition

Complex Change means a type of Change as defined in Clause ExB.5.6 of Exhibit B.
Complex Change means a change that does not fit the existing knowledge of the solution’s service delivery teams or are changes that may have an impact on wider products and services that are within BT’s wider delivery to you.
Complex Change means a change that is not a Simple Change. Examples of Complex Changes are set out in Appendix 2.

Examples of Complex Change in a sentence

  • A Change Request to a distinct Remote Office Rule Set is implemented on all Serviced Devices with that Rule Set and is treated as a Major or Complex Change Request under the change management process.

  • Deployment of a major Server software version upgrade that replaces the current version (Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015) is not included in the Service and is a non-standard Complex Change request that is subject to separate charges.

  • SYSTEMS CHANGE FOR CARING AND EFFECTIVE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (7 points) Restructuring Jigsaw: Teaching a Systems Change Example to Classmates (5 points) (Standards M/M/S 15.1, 15.2, 15.4, 15.5, 17.2)In this entry you will describe in writing and teach other classmates how the five elements of the Ambrose Complex Change model (described in Chapter 5) are illustrated in two case studies of systems change.

  • Any type of Change not identified in the Change Catalog or that otherwise requires considerable resources to implement as solely determined by Orange will be considered a Complex Change, for which additional charges will apply.ExB.5 Release ManagementOrange is responsible for planning, scheduling, and controlling the build, test, and deployment of SBC releases to ensure they are aligned with Microsoft Teams.

  • This strategy allows the service to still be used while it may not be easily discovered and composed.• Pessimistic Service Registration: The service is available for discovery only after its internal service scheme is aligned with the reference model.• Primitive change: A change that affects only a single OWL primitive.• Complex Change: A change that affects more than one OWL primitive.

More Definitions of Complex Change

Complex Change means a change that is not a Simple Change, examples of which can be provided by BT upon request.
Complex Change means any change to the Service that is not a Simple Change
Complex Change means a change that is not a Simple Change as set out in Paragraph 14.1.
Complex Change means a change that is not a Simple Change, examples of which can be provided by BTupon request.
Complex Change means a change that is not a Simple Change. Examples of Complex Changes are set out in the document titled Simple and Complex Changes which will be shared with you on completion of Initial Setup.
Complex Change means a change that is not a Simple Change. Examples of Complex Changes are set outin the document titled Simple and Complex Changes which BT will provide to you.
Complex Change means any Change to the Services not defined as a Standard or Emergency Change and is not classified as Project Services.