Service Delivery means providing, either directly or through contractual arrangements, comprehensive breast and cervical cancer screening and cardiovascular disease and stroke risk factor screening, diagnosis, and treatment services through tracking of screening intervals, timeliness of diagnosis, and timeliness of treatment of individuals.
Service Delivery means delivery of any certificate, receipt, license, orders related to services, information under RTI, No Objection Certificates, permissions, or any other proof of service, change in names in records , and any physical service like water connection, sewerage connection, dustbin deployment, repair and maintenance of any roads or property of Silvassa Municipal Council and any other service prescribed in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Municipal Council Regulation 2004, rules and bye-laws made thereunder or which Silvassa Municipal Council is duty-bound to provide under any other law for the time being in force or under any administrative, contractual or legal obligation but shall not include enforcement on illegal construction, court replies, punitive actions on employees or such other matter as may be resolved by Silvassa Municipal Council by a simple majority to this effect.
Service Delivery means providing, either directly or through contractual arrangements, comprehensive breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment services through tracking of screening intervals, timeliness of diagnosis, and timeliness of treatment of clients.
Examples of Service Delivery in a sentence
The Contractor may engage in efforts to obtain additional funds and in-kind contributions to expand or enhance ECEAP Service delivery.
Therefore all contracted providers, whose clientele may include Mäori, shall demonstrate how the policies and practices of their provider organisation and Service delivery shall benefit that Mäori clientele.
Service delivery activities would adhere to Red Cross doctrine and protocols and include Disaster Health and Disaster Mental Health services in support of Red Cross workforce.
Service delivery would adhere to Red Cross doctrine and protocols and include Disaster Health and Disaster Mental Health services in support of Red Cross workforce.
More Definitions of Service Delivery
Service Delivery. (NAPIS) means those activities associated with the direct provision of a service which meets the needs of an individual older person or caregiver.
Service Delivery. Progress made in implementing new processes/functions, the quality and impact of service being delivered through these processes.
Service Delivery. Progress made in implementing the Europol function, and the quality of service being delivered.
Service Delivery. The school district recognizes the type of service purchased is direct and consultative. Service may be conveyed on site or through a previously agreed to video conferencing format. Off-site services, in the form of telephone, e-mail, lesson planning, research and materials generation may also be used.
Service Delivery means the provision of a service or services, product or products, by a state entity or state entities to persons, other state entities, constitutional state entities, independent state entities, local government entities, federal entities, private entities, or nonprofit entities.
Service Delivery. In the most basic interaction with the customer, United's service standards encompass the foundation of service, which is: 1) Greet the customer.
Service Delivery means provision of specific social protection services to individuals, families, households, groups or communities11, which would involve the delivery chain processes of outreach, intake and registration, assessment of needs and conditions, decisions on enrollment, determination of benefit levels, implementation of payments transactions, case management, and grievance redress, among others.