Complex project definition
Examples of Complex project in a sentence
SOCCCD projects, the Saddleback College Gateway project and the Irvine Valley College Fine Arts Complex project, are currently being recommended for the 2019-2020 fiscal year funding cycle.
The preliminary capital estimate for the Vantage Complex project is expected to be in the range of $90 - $120 million, with major works expected to begin in the first half of 2018.
No change since last update.Project Description:The Granite Bay Medical Office Complex project includes the construction of two medical office buildings (7,955 SF each), associated parking, and circulation areas on two separate parcels (APN 048-081-056 and 057) that comprise approximately 2.13 acres total.
Complex project management as complex problem solving: A distributed knowledge management perspective.
The mega-science NICA Complex project is being implemented at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation (RF) and the JINR on the construction and operation of a complex of superconducting rings on colliding beams of heavy ions NICA Complex [1].