Compliance Representations definition
Examples of Compliance Representations in a sentence
Accordingly, by submission of a quotation or proposal, Offeror certifies that (a) it has submitted the Annual Representations and Certifications on Form SCM – 072 Supplier Compliance Representations & Certifications, and (b) that the representations and certifications it has submitted in Form SCM – 072 Supplier Compliance Representations & Certifications continue to be accurate.
In the event that the SCA applies, Supplier shall complete the Annual Representations and Certifications on Form SCM - 072 Supplier Compliance Representations and Certifications, which shall be incorporated into the resulting purchase order or subcontract, and the -0808 shall also apply and become a part of the purchase order or subcontract.
By the matters pleaded in paragraph 65 above, Mayne repeated to the Affected Market the June 2016 Compliance Representations, and represented that they remained true notwithstanding that the United States Department of Justice was investigating Mayne in relation to Doxy DR and potassium chloride powders (the November 2016 Compliance Representation).
In addition, if the order relates to a U.S. Government Department of Defense Prime Contract or Subcontract, the Supplier shall complete the Annual Representations and Certifications on Form SCM – 072 Supplier Compliance Representations & Certifications, which shall be incorporated into the resulting purchase order or subcontract, and the Government Contract Attachment form 84-005-0808 (“-0808”) shall also apply and become a part of the purchase order or subcontract.
Buyer agrees to execute and abide by the terms set forth in the Compliance Representations and Warranties for Customers attached hereto as Exhibit D.
The private sector does not include unlicensed drug stores, drug sellers in the informal sector, or health facilities operated by private companies, such as mining companies.• Faith/NfP Sector: These are health facilities run by religious organisations, such as church missions or facilities that do not readily fall under the categories of public and private sector.
During the Relevant Period to 19 May 2021, EML continued to make the Compliance Representations and the Compliance Basis Representation.
Business Compliance Representations are partly express and partly implied.
The Standards Committee is tasked with reviewing key constitutional documents.This report sets out the schedule of meetings for 2019/20 and identifies the activities that require reviewing with a proposed work programme.29 - 32 No other items of business can be considered unless the Chairman decides the matter is urgent for reasons that must be specified and recorded in the Minutes.
The Compliance Representations were by their nature continuing until corrected or qualified, and paragraph 152 is repeated.