compressor station means an installation on the pipeline having compressor units to boost gas pressure;
compressor station means any permanent combination of one or more compressors that move natural gas at increased pressure from fields, in transmission pipelines, or into storage.
compressor station means a pipeline installation which is listed on the associated pipeline licence;
More Definitions of compressor station
compressor station means an installation in a pipeline in which the pressure of gas is raised for transmission through pipelines.
compressor station means the facilities and equipment located on the Compressor Station Site on the Miramar Landfill necessary to compress and dry the Landfill Gas for transportation via pipeline to the North City Cogeneration Facility Site as specified and described in the North City Scope of Work.
compressor station means the compressor station that Fortuna will construct for CNGC on CNGC's property at the location specified on the attached facilities map, which station is also referred to as the Xxxxxxx Compressor Station. "Delivery Point(s)" shall mean the interconnection of CNGC's pipelines and the Dominion Transmission System (or other systems that qualify under the 311 Transportation Agreement) downstream of the Xxxxxxx Compressor Station.
compressor station means a facility that forms part of the TAP Transportation System that has the purpose of compressing the Natural Gas in the TAP Transportation System to assist the flow of that Natural Gas.
compressor station means a facility or location that contains a compressor or compressors to facilitate the movement of natural gas and/or its byproducts through a pipeline.
compressor station has the meaning specified in the North City Cogeneration Agreement.
compressor station means a facility which helps the transportation of natural gas from one location to another by providing pressure to move the gas;