Confirmation Payment definition
Examples of Confirmation Payment in a sentence
In this regard, the University shall be entitled to recover from the Resident the worth at the time of the University's award of damages from the Resident hereunder of the amount by which the unpaid Residence Fees for the balance of the Term after the time of such award exceeds the amount of such Residence Fees loss which the Resident proves could be reasonably avoided by the University, and the Resident shall be deemed to have forfeited any remaining Confirmation Payment balance.
Failure to provide the confirmation payment or Confirmation Payment Deferment form found at for fall term by August 15.
Accordingly, the Resident agrees that, in the event that the Resident cancels this Contract prior to the date on which the Term is to commence and the University authorizes such cancellation, the Confirmation Payment will be retained by the University as a “Cancellation Fee.” Any such cancellation must be in writing and received by USC Housing prior to the commencement of the Term.
If the University authorizes a cancellation of this Contract subsequent to the Resident’s acceptance of the Contract, the University shall be entitled to retain, and the Resident shall be obligated to pay as a Cancellation Fee, the Confirmation Payment in its entirety, excepting any portion credited to the Resident’s account during the semester prior to which the cancellation is granted.
On the Effective Date, the Reorganized Debtors shall enter into the Exit Facility, which shall provide, subject to the terms set forth in the Exit Facility Loan Documents, loans to the Reorganized Debtors for general corporate purposes in a principal amount of up to $150 million, which amount shall include (1) any amounts then due under the DIP Facility; (2) the Confirmation Payment; and (3) the $1 million payment to the Exempt Assets Trust as required by Section 7.6(d) of the Plan.
Subject to the Resident's compliance with the terms and provisions of this Contract, the Confirmation Payment will be credited toward the Residence Fees on a pro‐rata basis of fifty percent (50%) for each semester for contracts two semesters in length and in its entirety for contracts of one semester or one Summer Housing contract period in length, as long as the Resident fulfills the terms of the Contract.
Once the University offers an assignment and the Resident decides to accept and sign the Contract, a Confirmation Payment is required, in full, at the time of submission of the signed/electronically confirmed Contract.
If the Resident is a student and is awaiting receipt of a financial aid award and/or scholarships, the Resident may make arrangements with the University's Financial Aid Office to execute a deferment in an amount equal to the entire Residence Fee balance for the current semester, excluding the Confirmation Payment which must be paid to USC Housing directly upon submission of a signed/electronically confirmed Contract.
If we analyze carefully the commercial Web providers’ requirements mentioned above, only Authentication, Certification, Confirmation, Payment Assurance, and Non-repudiation are strictly necessary to complete a transaction.
Resident's application for housing, the Deposit (as such term is defined below), the Confirmation Payment (defined below), and Resident's occupancy of University housing are subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract.