Conflict Check definition

Conflict Check. – means a process by which an attorney ensures his / her representation of one client is not adverse to another client;

Examples of Conflict Check in a sentence

  • The LookAhead Arbiter is optional as discussed in Section II-B; if not implemented, a LookAhead Conflict Check unit is required, which removes all conflicting LAs. The LA/flit Priority unit gives absolute priority to the LAs over the buffered flits, or vice versa.Figure 2 represents the two pipelines of the router, used in two consecutive routers R0 (non-bypass pipeline) and R1 (bypass pipeline).

  • The New Matter Committee shall vote as soon as 3 The Token Consideration the Firm received for Ava Labs shall be distributed as set forth in Section VI.practicable after the New Matter Memorandum and Conflict Check and after allowing time for views, concerns or feedback from the Firm’s partnership.

  • X precedes a second one this should also hold for the corresponding elements in the sequence Y, an vice versa.For example, during the alignment process, the ith point of the first sequence matches with the jth point of the second sequence, the monotonicity condition will prevent any point of the first sequence with index > i to match with a point of the second sequence with index < j and for any point on the first sequence with index < i to match with any point on the second sequence with index > j.

  • Conflict Check: A conflict check email will be sent to all parties and Arbitration Panel members in advance of the hearing to determine the existence of conflicts.

  • This portion of the rule describes SoCalGas' conflict check process ("Conflict Check") which SoCalGas follows when third parties voluntarily request information on SoCalGas facilities and property rights in delineated portions of real property.

  • SigDemuxPolicy Consumers TE ManagerPolicy Conflict Check Policy EditorAuthorisation Check ComponentDBMonitoring MetersDecision-mak ing Monitoring syst...Policy ConsumerManagerFigure 4 - 1.

  • The Policy Conflict Check component has the responsibility of assuring the consistency of all policies introduced in the system and that two or more policies never request the same resources at the same time.

  • The more extensive the area of real property affected by the Conflict Check request, the more time required by SoCalGas prior to notification.

  • If the endorsement result is not correct, the transaction is marked as invalid.2. Read-write Conflict Check: Recall that each peer maintains the ledger locally.

  • To achieve this, each phone in the corpus is given a binary key which enables A∗ to take or reject the unit.

Related to Conflict Check

  • Conflict of Interest Policy means the Company’s prevailing policy regarding conflicts of interest which is available at the website;

  • Conflict means a situation in which a director has or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Company;

  • Conflict of Interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the State, or the person's objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage.

  • Personal conflict of interest means a situation in which a covered employee has a financial interest, personal activity, or relationship that could impair the employee’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of the Government when performing under the contract. (A de minimis interest that would not “impair the employee’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of the Government” is not covered under this definition.)

  • Conflict Minerals means: (i) columbite-tantalite (coltan), cassiterite, gold, wolframite, or their derivatives, which originate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or a country that shares an internationally recognized border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo; or (ii) any other mineral or its derivatives determined by the Secretary of State of the United States to be financing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or a country that shares an internationally recognized border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • Potential conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a public official, the effect of which could be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the person or the person’s relative, or a business with which the person or the person’s relative is associated, unless the pecuniary benefit or detriment arises out of the following:

  • Organizational Conflict of Interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the person's objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage. "Person" as used herein includes Corporations, Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and other business enterprises.

  • Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a public official, the effect of which would be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the person or the person's relative or any business with which the person or a relative of the person is associated unless the pecuniary benefit or detriment arises out of circumstances described in subsection (7) of this section.”

  • Substantive means comments that contribute something new and hopefully important to the discussion. Thus a message that simply says “I agree” is not substantive. A substantive comment contributes a new idea or perspective, a good follow-up question to a point made, offers a response to a question, provides an example or illustration of a key point, points out an inconsistency in an argument, etc.

  • Special categories of personal data means information about an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life or sexual orientation and biometric data.

  • Conflicts of Interest Policy means our policy on potential conflicts of interest that may arise in providing our services and how we manage them.

  • Conflicting Services means any product, service, or process or the research and development thereof, of any person or organization other than Company that directly competes with a product, service, or process, including the research and development thereof, of Company with which I worked directly or indirectly during my employment by Company or about which I acquired Confidential Information during my employment by Company.

  • State contractor means a person, business entity or nonprofit organization that enters into a state contract. Such person, business entity or nonprofit organization shall be deemed to be a state contractor until December thirty-first of the year in which such contract terminates. "State contractor" does not include a municipality or any other political subdivision of the state, including any entities or associations duly created by the municipality or political subdivision exclusively amongst themselves to further any purpose authorized by statute or charter, or an employee in the executive or legislative branch of state government or a quasi-public agency, whether in the classified or unclassified service and full or part-time, and only in such person's capacity as a state or quasi-public agency employee.

  • Choice means the individual's expression of preference, opportunity for, and active role in decision-making related to the selection of assessments, services, service providers, goals and activities, and verification of satisfaction with these services. Choice may be communicated verbally, through sign language, or by other communication methods.

  • State contract means an agreement or contract with the state or any state agency or any quasi-public agency, let through a procurement process or otherwise, having a value of fifty thousand dollars or more, or a combination or series of such agreements or contracts having a value of one hundred thousand dollars or more in a calendar year, for (i) the rendition of services, (ii) the furnishing of any goods, material, supplies, equipment or any items of any kind, (iii) the construction, alteration or repair of any public building or public work, (iv) the acquisition, sale or lease of any land or building, (v) a licensing arrangement, or (vi) a grant, loan or loan guarantee. "State contract" does not include any agreement or contract with the state, any state agency or any quasi-public agency that is exclusively federally funded, an education loan or a loan to an individual for other than commercial purposes.

  • Principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor means (i) any individual who is a member of the board of directors of, or has an ownership interest of five per cent or more in, a state contractor or prospective state contractor, which is a business entity, except for an individual who is a member of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization, (ii) an individual who is employed by a state contractor or prospective state contractor, which is a business entity, as president, treasurer or executive vice president, (iii) an individual who is the chief executive officer of a state contractor or prospective state contractor, which is not a business entity, or if a state contractor or prospective state contractor has no such officer, then the officer who duly possesses comparable powers and duties, (iv) an officer or an employee of any state contractor or prospective state contractor who has managerial or discretionary responsibilities with respect to a state contract, (v) the spouse or a dependent child who is eighteen years of age or older of an individual described in this subparagraph, or (vi) a political committee established or controlled by an individual described in this subparagraph or the business entity or nonprofit organization that is the state contractor or prospective state contractor.

  • Principles means the document titled "Cruise Debt Holiday Principles" and dated 26 March 2020 in the form set out in Schedule 1.01(c) to this Agreement (as may be amended from time to time), and which sets out certain key principles and parameters relating to, amongst other things, the temporary suspension of repayments of principal in connection with certain qualifying Loan Agreements (as defined therein) and being applicable to Hermes-covered loan agreements such as this Agreement and more particularly the First Deferred Loans hereunder.

  • StarCompliance Code of Ethics application means the web-based application used to electronically pre-clear personal securities transactions and file many of the reports required herein. The application can be accessed via the AB network at:

  • New job means a job in a new or expanding industry but does not include jobs of recalled workers, or replacement jobs or other jobs that formerly existed in the industry in the state of Iowa. A new job shall be as defined in the Act subject to the clarifications of new and expanding industry described in subrules 5.3(11), 5.3(14), and 5.3(15) above, except that an industry in violation of state or federal labor laws or involved in a lockout or strike in Iowa shall not be eligible for a training program under the Act.

  • Principals means the head teachers of the Academies (and “Principal” means any one of these head teachers);

  • Ethics means a set of principles governing the conduct of all persons governed by these rules.

  • Substantive Motion means an original motion or an original motion as amended, but does not include an amendment or a procedural motion.

  • Clear and convincing evidence means information that would persuade a reasonable person to have a firm belief that a proposition is more likely true than not true. It is a higher standard of proof than “preponderance of the evidence."

  • Do-not-resuscitate order means that term as defined in section 2 of the Michigan do-not-resuscitate procedure act, 1996 PA 193, MCL 333.1052.

  • Special Categories of Data means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation;

  • MacBride Principles means those principles relating to nondiscrimination in employment and freedom of workplace opportunity which require employers doing business in Northern Ireland to: