Examples of Connected Parties in a sentence
Each of the Connected Parties will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any conflicts which may arise will be resolved fairly.
Directly connected Account Holders (Directly Connected Parties, DCPs) that have accounts in T2S can access T2S directly, without the use of KELER as technical interface, and can use the T2S securities settlement services directly.
Indirectly connected Account Holders (Indirectly Connected Parties, ICPs) can use the T2S service through KELER, in the communication channels provided by KELER (KID, SWIFT) and with the use of message formats defined by KELER.
The approval of the Facility is subject to the Bank’s full compliance with any applicable law including the provisions of Section 57 of Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA) (relating to power of Bank Negara Malaysia (‘BNM”) to specify standards on prudential matters) read together with BNM’s Guidelines on Credit Transactions and Exposures with Connected Parties for Islamic Bank and/or any prevailing requirement issued by BNM.
The limits vary according to the different types of Connected Parties, in proportion with the level of involvement in the relationship and the potential impact of the resulting risks on sound and prudent management.