Examples of Connection Works Completion Date in a sentence
If the Independent Engineer determines that the Connection Works were so completed on a date other than the date specified in the Company's notification, then the date so determined by the Independent Engineer shall be the Connection Works Completion Date.
The Company shall, as soon as it is satisfied that the Connection Works Completion Date is reached, notify the Customer to that effect specifying the date on which such completion occurred.
Without limiting the other provisions of this Paragraph 4, to the extent that each Party has not done so already, each Party shall commence its Commissioning Tests and proceed to carry them out in accordance with the Connection Agreement, forthwith after the Connection Works Completion Date.
The Customer agrees to convey to ESB, for a nominal sum of €1 a freehold interest (if the Customer does not own the freehold, a leasehold interest for a period of not less than 100 years) in those components of the Connection Works as identified in the Offer Letter on or before the Connection Works Completion Date.
Without limiting the other provisions of this Paragraph 4, to the extent that each Party has not done so already, each Party shall commence its Commissioning Tests and proceed to carry them out in accordance with the Connection Agreement forthwith after the Connection Works Completion Date.
The Company shall, as soon as it is satisfied that the Connection Works Completion Date is reached, notify the Customer to that effect specifying thedate on which such completion occurred.
DSO responseThe DSO proposed providing a programme with the connection offer, which would be updated at the 55% stage, setting out the work-streams and the critical path to achieving the Connection Works, Completion Date and the Operational Date.
DSO will provide an updated programme (in Gantt chart format) setting out the work-streams and the critical path to achieving the Connection Works Completion Date and the Operational Date.
As part of the connection offer DSO will provide the following information to the developer: • An outline programme (in Gantt chart format) setting out the work- streams and the critical path to achieving the Consents Issue Date, Connection Works Completion Date and Operational Date.
Without limiting the other provisions of this Paragraph 4, to the extent that each Party has not done so already, each Party shall commence itsthe Commissioning Tests as agreed between the Parties and proceed to carry them out in accordance with the Connection Agreement, forthwith after the Connection Works Completion Date.