Examples of Constituent Issuers in a sentence
Unless and until the U.S. Congress amends the US Controlled Substances Act with respect to cannabis, there is a risk that federal authorities may enforce current U.S. Federal law against businesses operating in the U.S. cannabis industry, which may adversely affect the market price of any Constituent Issuers that have exposure to the U.S. cannabis industry, and therefore the market price of the ETF.
However, certain Constituent Issuers may, without the knowledge of the Manager, the from time to time have a limited degree of exposure to the medical and/or recreational cannabis industry in certain U.S. states where cannabis use has been regulated by state law notwith- standing that the use, possession, sale, cultivation and transportation of cannabis remains illegal under U.S. Federal law.
The S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index (Total Return) is designed to measure the performance of the broad large-cap market segment of the Canadian equity market, with a capped weight of 10% on all Constituent Issuers.
It comprises 50 Constituent Issuers from its universe of mid and large capitalization equity securities, which can include stocks and real estate investment trusts that have their primary listings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.