Consumer Data definition
Examples of Consumer Data in a sentence
Except as expressly provided in this ESA, Competitive Supplier shall not disclose any Eligible Consumer data to any third-party that has not executed a non-disclosure certificate or agreement in a form mutually acceptable to the Parties, and Competitive Supplier shall take Commercially Reasonable measures to protect Eligible Consumer data from access by, or beneficial use for, any third-party.
Any other use of Eligible Consumer data without the prior written consent of the Town is strictly prohibited.
Competitive Supplier shall use Eligible Consumer data solely to provide All- Requirements Power Supply to Participating Consumers and to render other services expressly required or permitted under this ESA.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree that contract employees and entities with which Competitive Supplier contracts to provide contract employees shall not be deemed third parties for purposes of this Section 2.5. To the extent that the provision of All-Requirements Power Supply or other services under this ESA requires that Competitive Supplier have access to or make use of any Eligible Consumer data, Competitive Supplier shall treat such Eligible Consumer data as confidential information.
Competitive Supplier acknowledges that the Town shall have exclusive ownership of all right, title, and interest in and to all Eligible Consumer data (including addresses, telephone numbers or other identifying information) made available to Competitive Supplier as a result of execution of this ESA.