Raw Data definition
Examples of Raw Data in a sentence
In this example, Student A achieved a score of 4 for criteria 6.1 and 6.3, a score of 3 for criteria 6.2 and 6.5, and a score of 2 for criterion 6.4. Appendix 12B.2: Example: Raw Data Summary for the Critical Thinking Skill for the ProgramProgram Level Your ProgramDifferent Levels Five Criteria (Areas)You can use the rubric to summarize your data of student work.
Collaborator will bear any costs associated with Raw Data provided in formats customized for Collaborator.
This Raw Data ATP Charge is payable in addition to the Redistribution Licence Charges and Data Charges set out in Schedule B.
Raw Data Raw data (i.e., unanalyzed data) and related Data produced under this Agreement is reserved to Principal Investigators (and Co-Investigators if any) named in this Agreement for scientific analysis and first publication rights for 12 months beginning with receipt of the Data in a form suitable for analysis.
If a college is unable to report using the Raw Data Files Upload method, the college has the option to report the Student Progress & Outcomes (SPO) measures through the Data Online Forms as well.To report the VFA measures using the Data Online Forms or Bulk Upload, colleges calculate and report the students in the cohort and the counts for each measure and each disaggregation of the student cohort (by race/ethnicity, age, gender, Pell status, enrollment status, and college ready status, or by award).