Examples of Contiguous development in a sentence
Ramp/Paved Tiedowns – Ramp associated with Hangars shall be no less than 125% of the square footage of the largest Hangar of the Contiguous development and able to accommodate the movement of Aircraft into and out of the Hangar and the staging and parking of Aircraft.
To them, the board means, means, politics, maneuvering and power-play.
Contiguous development allows for long-term consolidation of the existing urban area by allowing densities to increase on the fringes in the future as the market demands.
Contiguous development results in less costs, efficient use and better provision of services, (eg.
Contiguous development within existing urban boundaries, especially through re-use of vacant or neglected land, i.e., infill development, is preferred.
Although there are still variations among cities and different cities take different compact city forms, this report considers the key characteristics of compact city as following: • Contiguous development patterns.
Consistency is indicative of a capacity for orderly integration or operation with other elements in a system.(9)(11) "Contiguous development" means development of areas immediately adjacent to one another.
The proposed zone change is in compliance with the following goals of the Growth Policy:• New Development that is sensitive to and compatible with the character ofadjacent City neighborhoods.• Contiguous development focused in and around existing population centers separated by open space.• Affordable housing for all income levels dispersed throughout the City and County.• Unobstructed views of the rimrocks surrounding the City of Billings.
Contiguous development of apartment buildings from Redfern through Waterloo, Zetland and right into Rosebery brings with it massive changes in demographics and a promise of permanently congested and noisy streets.An estimated 35,000 new residents and 14,000 extra workers will move into the Green Square area within 15 years.
Contiguous development is a goal at all levels of the spatial planning system (Huis in’t Veld Interview).