Examples of Contract Awards Committee in a sentence
The Proposals will be evaluated by the Contract Awards Committee (CAC) of the GS/OAS.
The written Proposal from each Bidder will be evaluated by the Contract Awards Committee (CAC) of the GS/OAS.
Instead, the relevant committee of the BAI, the Contract Awards Committee, is obliged only to ‘have regard’ to Irish when making a decision on awarding a licence.
The BAI consists of an Authority and two statutory Committees which support its work; namely the Contract Awards Committee and the Compliance Committee.
Under Section 33 of the Broadcasting Act 2009 the BAI is required to make an order imposing a levy on broadcasting contractors for the purpose of “meeting expenses properly incurred by the Authority, the Contract Awards Committee and the Compliance Committee in the performance of their functions.”The levy payment required from contractors is based on the qualifying income of the contractor as described in the BAI Levy Order.
The BAI executive’smonitoring of stations’ output is scant at best and does not appear to prioritise the use of the Irish language on air.The provisions regarding stations whose franchise areas include the Gaeltacht are more stringent, as the Contract Awards Committee is required to ‘have particular regard to the continuance and advancement as a spoken language of the Irish language’.
The Guide does not purport to be exhaustive and potential applicants should have regard to the provisions of the 2009 Act, in particular, to section 66 thereof which includes matters to which the Contract Awards Committee of the BAI must have regard to in determining applications for the award of contract, as well as section 69, which sets out certain contractual conditions that may be imposed on a successful applicant1.Applicants should also have regard to the BAI’s Broadcasting Services Strategy.
The Plan mainly focused on the licensingof commercial and community radio operators whose contracts were scheduled to expire in 2016.The Authority directed the Contract Awards Committee to make arrangements for the licensing of these services.
The Guide does not purport to be exhaustive and a potential applicant should have regard to the provisions of the 2009 Act, in particular, to sections 64 and 66 thereof which includes matters to which the Contract Awards Committee of the BAI must have regard to in determining applications for the award of the community sound broadcasting contract, as well as section 69, which sets out certain contractual conditions that may be imposed on a successful applicant1.
The BAI consists of the Authority, the Contract Awards Committee, the Compliance Committee and the Executive.The remit of the BAI is set down in the Broadcasting Act 2009.