Examples of Core Housing Need in a sentence
These impacts are exacerbated for vulnerable populations and those in Core Housing Need identified in the Victoria’s Housing NeedsAssessment, 2020, such as seniors or those with fixed and low incomes, those requiring accessible housing, as well as tenants who experience discrimination such as Indigenous people, racialized and migrant groups.
By contrast, identified protective factors that moderate risk for homelessness includes healthy social relationships, education, access to affordable housing and adequate income.iv To this end, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) measure of Core Housing Need lends a closer look at shelter costs in Medicine Hat and points to a better understanding of the at-risk population.According to the CMHC, affordable dwellings cost less than 30% of before-tax household income.
Core Housing Need A household that falls below at least one of the adequacy, affordability, or suitability standards and that would have to spend more than 30 percent of its gross income to pay the accommodation costs for alternative local housing that is acceptable, i.e., meets all three of the following housing standards: a.
In breaking down the Census 2006 data to examine the impact of Aboriginal status on housing outcomes, the prevalence of Core Housing Need among Aboriginal people in Medicine Hat was 11%, almost double the national average.
It also considers if income levels are such that they could not afford alternative, suitable and adequate housing in their communityQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS: KEY FINDINGSMe HNA adopts a nationally recognized methodology derived from the Housing Assessment Resource Tools project.2 In order to be comprehensive, the analysis incorporates quantitative secondary data from a range of sources on demographic and economic trends, Core Housing Need, and affordable housing supply.
Percentage of Households (HHs) in Core Housing Need, by Priority Population Figure 1.
This data has been compiled from tenant complaints, building permits data and media reports, but there may be other occasions that have not come to the attention of the city, particularly in cases where building permits are not required.Impacts on Victoria’s Renters1 in 5 households in Victoria are in Core Housing Need, meaning they do not have access to affordable, suitable, or adequate housing, and they would need to pay more than 30% of their income to find housing that meets their needs in their area.
In Canada, households that do not have sufficient income to access an adequate and suitable dwelling without spending 30 percent or more of their household income are considered to be in core housing need (see Canada’s Fifth Report under the ICESCR for a description of the Core Housing Need model).
First Annual Estimate of Urban Households in Core Housing Need Based on Statistics Canada’s New Canadian Income Survey.
The Core Housing Need in Winnipeg has been estimated at 10 per cent, meaning that the these houses may be in need of repair, the household pays more than 30 per cent for shelter or the household is considered to be crowded (CMHC, 2008).