Core Standards definition

Core Standards in England means the professional standards which all post-threshold teachers, excellent teachers and advanced skills teachers are required to meet, as set out in Annex 1, where each core standard is prefixed by the letter ‘C’; in Wales core standards for these purposes means the end of induction standards(11) as determined by the Welsh Assembly Government;
Core Standards has the meaning given in Clause 7.2;
Core Standards means the core standards for Utah public schools adopted by the state board pursuant to Section 53E-4-202.

More Definitions of Core Standards

Core Standards in England means the professional standards which all post-threshold teachers, excellent teachers and advanced skills teachers were required to meet between 2007 and 2011, as set out in Annex 1 of any of the Documents published between 2007 and 2011 where each core standard is prefixed by the letter ‘C’; in Wales core standards for these purposes means the end of Practising Teacher Standards as determined by the Welsh Government, as set out in Annex 2 of this Document and which can be accessed via the Welsh Government’s website(12):
Core Standards means the regulatory standards set by the applicable Regulatory Authorities in the United States, European Union, Japan and China for the submission and approval of an MAA for a Product in such country or jurisdiction, including the conduct of Development and manufacturing in connection therewith.
Core Standards means The Barnardo’s core standards which staff adhere to via their work within children services. They cover the areas of staff supervision; child protection; equalities; recording and participation

Related to Core Standards

  • PCI Standards means the applicable Data Security Standards published by the PCI Security Standards Council.

  • Design Standards means the standards developed as a requirement of the Programmatic Agreement

  • Applicable Standards means the requirements and guidelines of NERC, the Applicable Regional Entity, and the Control Area in which the Customer Facility is electrically located; the PJM Manuals; and Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.

  • Quality Standards means the quality standards published by BSI British Standards, the National Standards Body of the United Kingdom, the International Organisation for Standardisation or other reputable or equivalent body, (and their successor bodies) that a skilled and experienced operator in the same type of industry or business sector as the Contractor would reasonably and ordinarily be expected to comply with, and as may be further detailed in the Specification.

  • Safety Standards means all laws, union rules and trade or industry custom or codes of any kind whatsoever, in effect from the date of this Agreement through Final Acceptance of the construction work, pertaining to worker safety and accident prevention applicable to the Project and/or the construction work (including, but not limited to, rules, regulations and standards adopted pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended from time to time).

  • Service Level Standards has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.1 hereof.

  • Specifications and Standards means the specifications and standards relating to the quality, quantity, capacity and other requirements for the Project Highway, as set forth in Schedule-D, and any modifications thereof, or additions thereto, as included in the design and engineering for the Project Highway submitted by the Contractor to, and expressly approved by, the Authority;

  • Performance Standards or “PS” shall mean the cleanup levels and other measures of achievement of the remedial action objectives, as set forth in the ROD.

  • Service Standards means the set of Service Measures, Service Levels, conditions and Service Guarantee Payments as set out in Schedule 1;

  • Technical Standards means the technical standards set out in paragraph 2.4 of the Order Form;

  • Reliability Standards means the criteria, standards, rules and requirements relating to reliability established by a Standards Authority.

  • NERC Reliability Standards means the most recent version of those reliability standards applicable to the Generating Facility, or to the Generator Owner or the Generator Operator with respect to the Generating Facility, that are adopted by the NERC and approved by the applicable regulatory authorities, which are available at xxxx://, or any successor thereto.

  • Codes and Standards means all the applicable codes and standards as indicated in the Technical Specification.

  • Security Standards means the final rule implementing HIPAA’s Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic PHI, as amended.

  • Pretreatment standards means any standards of performance or other requirements imposed by

  • Accessibility Standards means accessibility standards and specifications for Texas agency and institution of higher education websites and EIR set forth in 1 TAC Chapter 206 and/or Chapter 213.

  • Uniform Network Code means the uniform network code as defined in Standard Special Condition A11(6) of National Grid’s transporters licence, as such code may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof.

  • Waste Framework Directive or “WFD” means Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste

  • Web Site Accessibility Standards/Specifications means standards contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 206.

  • Minimum Standards means standards of practice that interpret the legal definition of nursing as well as provide criteria against which violations of the law can be determined.

  • Standards means the British or international standards, Authority's internal policies and procedures, Government codes of practice and guidance referred to in Framework Schedule 13 (Standards) together with any other specified policies or procedures identified in Framework Schedule 13 (Standards);

  • ERCOT Protocols means the document adopted by ERCOT, including any attachments or exhibits referenced in that document, as amended from time to time, that contains the scheduling, operating, planning, reliability, and Settlement (including Customer registration) policies, rules, guidelines, procedures, standards, and criteria of ERCOT. For the purposes of determining responsibilities and rights at a given time, the ERCOT Protocols, as amended in accordance with the change procedure(s) described in the ERCOT Protocols, in effect at the time of the performance or non-performance of an action, shall govern with respect to that action.

  • Uniform Grant Management Standards or “UGMS” means uniform grant and contract administration procedures, developed under the authority of Chapter 783 of the Texas

  • Community practice protocol means a written, executed agreement entered into voluntarily between an authorized pharmacist and a physician establishing drug therapy management for one or more of the pharmacist’s and physician’s patients residing in a community setting. A community practice protocol shall comply with the requirements of subrule 8.34(2).

  • Community-Wide Standard means the standard of conduct, maintenance or other activity generally prevailing in the Community. Such standard may be more specifically determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. Such determination, however, must be consistent with the Community-Wide Standard originally established by the Declarant.

  • Common Reporting Standard (CRS) means the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (“AEOFAI”) in Tax Matters and was developed in response to the G20 request and approved by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Council on 15 July 2014, calls on jurisdictions to obtain information from their financial institutions and automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis. It sets out the financial account information to be exchanged, the financial institutions required to report, the different types of accounts and taxpayers covered, as well as common due diligence procedures to be followed by financial institutions.