Corporate Director definition
Corporate Director means the Corporate Director of the Directorate responsible for the contract in question or such senior officer of that Directorate to whom the Corporate Director may have delegated in writing the powers in question. The term Corporate Director includes the Chief Executive and such other officers as the County Council may from time to time decide.
Corporate Director means a body corporate fulfilling the requirements of Article 73(4); and
Examples of Corporate Director in a sentence
The Certification of the Annual Report by the Authorised Corporate Director can be found on page 2.
First State Investments (UK) Limited (Authorised Corporate Director of the Company) 16 November 2018 NOTES:1.
Officer Presentation The information was presented as set out by the Corporate Director – Planning and Governance, in conjunction with a powerpoint presentation for the item.
In the event of changes being made to recommendations by the Committee, the task of formalising the wording of those changes be delegated to the Corporate Director, Place along the broad lines indicated at the meeting; and 3.
First State Investments (UK) Limited (Authorised Corporate Director of the Company) 16 November 2018 NOTES: 1.
More Definitions of Corporate Director
Corporate Director means an executive director of the Trust who does not hold voting rights at the Trust Board
Corporate Director means an officer who reports to the Chief Executive, whose post title includes the word “Director” and who is responsible for one or more Service Directors;
Corporate Director means a director which is not a natural person, whether incorporated, unincorporated or otherwise;
Corporate Director means a member of the board of directors of the Corporation, at the applicable time;
Corporate Director means the Corporate Director at the Lead Authority with responsibility for leading on the Agency Agreement;
Corporate Director means the Corporate Director with responsibility for economy and enterprise in Wiltshire or in his absence one of the other corporate directors in Wiltshire.