Corresponding Adjustment definition
Corresponding Adjustment means the accounting adjustment that both Sweden and the Dominican Republic are required to make for all Mitigation Outcomes transferred internationally as ITMOs to ensure that double counting is avoided in accordance with Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, paragraph 36 of decision 1/CP.21.
Corresponding Adjustment means a downward adjustment to a company’s taxable profits made by the tax administration in a second jurisdiction as a consequence of a primary adjustment made by the tax administration in a first jurisdiction, so that the allocation of profits by the two jurisdictions is consistent;
Corresponding Adjustment means an adjustment made to a Party’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory when a transfer of a mitigation outcome is made internationally to be counted towards another Party’s Nationally Determined Contribution or other mitigation pledge;
Examples of Corresponding Adjustment in a sentence
Section 5.1, the Parties shall strive to apply international best practice concerning the use of Corresponding Adjustment methods and the application of Corresponding Adjustments, based on the methods specified under the Paris Agreement Rulebook.
The Acquiring Country may, any time after payment for ITMOs effectively transferred, choose to voluntarily cancel any such transferred ITMOs without consequence for the Corresponding Adjustment made by the Host Country.
More Definitions of Corresponding Adjustment
Corresponding Adjustment has the meaning given to the term in the Paris Agreement Rules.
Corresponding Adjustment has the meaning given to the term in the Paris Agreement Rules. In the case an averaging approach is applied, this would be an indicative corresponding adjustment.
Corresponding Adjustment or “CA” means to account for the Authorized Transfer of ITMO-VERs in accordance with International Rules including paragraph 36 of decision 1/CP.21 and decision 2/CMA.3;
Corresponding Adjustment. Means Corresponding Adjustment set forth in Article 20 of the Bylaws.
Corresponding Adjustment means, for each Authorised GSVER, an accounting adjustment made by the Host Country or the applicable Host Country Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Article 6 Rulebook and Gold Standard Terms with respect to such Authorised GSVER.
Corresponding Adjustment means the accounting adjustment that both The Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Zambia may be required to make for all Mitigation Outcomes transferred internationally to ensure that double counting is avoided in accordance with Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, and paragraph 36 of UNFCCC decision 1/CP.21.