Cost Implications definition

Cost Implications. Each project would expend additional administrative costs to procure individual vertical conveyance design services contracts.
Cost Implications. Each project would expend additional administrative costs to procure individual PLB design services.

Examples of Cost Implications in a sentence

  • Cost Implications: The original materials produced by EDUCATODOS were quite expensive.

  • Cost Implications: Estimated $468,000 for 68 person months of national and international technical assistance.

  • Cost Implications: Increase in costs due to individual additional procurements.

  • Cost Implications: Significant increase in those municipalities which have made little or no financial contributions to date and/or to the national budget, if central funds are decentralized to cover such costs.

  • Cost Implications: Thre would be a significant increase in those municipalities which have made little or no financial contributions to date and/or to the national budget, if central funds are decentralized to cover such costs.

  • Cost Implications: Many EDUCATODOS classses do not meet the standard of 8-10 students, but the costs remain low when the facilitators are volunteers.

  • Cost Implications: Many EDUCATODOS centers do not meet the general requirement of 8-10 students, but the costs remain low when the facilitators are volunteers.

  • Cost Implications: This will lead to higher costs for most municipalities (governments, NGOs, Churches, Businesses) that have not yet provided salaries, textbooks or materials.

  • Alternative 1 – Do not participate in the XXX Cost Implications: The annual cost of approximately $26,000 per year through 2026 would be available to utilize on alternative projects.

Related to Cost Implications

  • Complications of Pregnancy means conditions whose diagnoses are distinct from pregnancy but are adversely affected by pregnancy or are caused by pregnancy. These conditions include acute nephritis, nephrosis, cardiac decompensation, missed abortion and similar medical and surgical conditions of comparable severity. Complications of pregnancy also include nonelective cesarean section, ectopic pregnancy which is terminated and spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which occurs during a period of gestation in which a viable birth is not possible.

  • Development regulations or "regulation" means the controls

  • Collaboration Technology means all Collaboration Patents and Collaboration Know-How.

  • Small business concern means a concern, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in the field of operation in which it is bidding on Government contracts, and qualified as a small business under the criteria in 13 CFR Part 121 and size standards in this solicitation.

  • Certification Regarding Venue" Terms with TIPS Members Vendor agrees that if any "Venue" provision is included in any sales agreement/contract between Vendor and a TIPS Member, that clause must provide that the "Venue" for any litigation or alternative dispute resolution is shall be in the state and county where the TIPS Member operates unless the TIPS Member expressly agrees otherwise. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing a "Venue" clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable. If Vendor disagrees, after this solicitation legally closes and TIPS begins evaluating Vendor's file, TIPS will provide Vendor with a draft Word Document version of the Vendor Agreement and will be instructed to include all requested negotiations as redline edits for TIPS consideration. Does Vendor agree? Yes Certification Regarding "Automatic Renewal" Terms with TIPS Members Vendor agrees that no TIPS Sale may incorporate an "Automatic Renewal" clause that exceeds month to month terms with which the TIPS Member must comply. All renewal terms incorporated into a TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement shall only be valid and enforceable when Vendor received written confirmation of acceptance of the renewal term from the TIPS Member for the specific renewal term. The purpose of this clause is to avoid a TIPS Member inadvertently renewing a Supplemental Agreement during a period in which the governing body of the TIPS Member has not properly appropriated and budgeted the funds to satisfy the Agreement renewal. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing an "Automatic Renewal" clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable. If Vendor disagrees, after this solicitation legally closes and TIPS begins evaluating Vendor's file, TIPS will provide Vendor with a draft Word Document version of the Vendor Agreement and will be instructed to include all requested negotiations as redline edits for TIPS consideration. Does Vendor agree? Yes Certification Regarding "Indemnity" Terms with TIPS Members Texas and other jurisdictions restrict the ability of governmental entities to indemnify others. Vendor agrees that if any "Indemnity" provision which requires the TIPS Member to indemnify Vendor is included in any sales agreement/contract between Vendor and a TIPS Member, that clause must either be stricken or qualified by including that such indemnity is only permitted, "to the extent permitted by the laws and constitution of [TIPS Member's State]" unless the TIPS Member expressly agrees otherwise. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing an "Indemnity" clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable. If Vendor disagrees, after this solicitation legally closes and TIPS begins evaluating Vendor's file, TIPS will provide Vendor with a draft Word Document version of the Vendor Agreement and will be instructed to include all requested negotiations as redline edits for TIPS consideration. Does Vendor agree? Yes Certification Regarding "Arbitration" Terms with TIPS Members Vendor agrees that if any "Arbitration" provision is included in any TIPS Sale agreement/contract between Vendor and a TIPS Member, that clause may not require that the arbitration is mandatory or binding. Vendor agrees that if any "Arbitration" provision is included in any TIPS Sale agreement/contract between Vendor and a TIPS Member, that clause provides for only voluntary and non-binding arbitration unless the TIPS Member expressly agrees otherwise. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing a “Arbitration” clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable. If Vendor disagrees, after this solicitation legally closes and TIPS begins evaluating Vendor's file, TIPS will provide Vendor with a draft Word Document version of the Vendor Agreement and will be instructed to include all requested negotiations as redline edits for TIPS consideration. Does Vendor agree? Yes

  • Protocols means written directions and orders, consistent with the department’s standard of care, that are to be followed by an emergency medical care provider in emergency and nonemergency situations. Protocols must be approved by the service program’s medical director and address the care of both adult and pediatric patients.

  • PM10 emissions means PM10 emitted to the ambient air as measured by an applicable reference method, or an equivalent or alternate method, specified in 40 CFR Part 51, Appendix M as of December 8, 1984, or by a test method specified in these regulations or any supplement thereto.

  • Information Technology means computer hardware, software and networks;

  • sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

  • Medical condition means either of the following:

  • health and safety specification means a site, activity or project specific document prepared by the client pertaining to all health and safety requirements related to construction work;

  • Begin actual construction means, in general, initiation of physical on-site construction activities on an emissions unit which are of a permanent nature. Such activities include, but are not limited to, installation of building supports and foundations, laying of underground pipework, and construction of permanent storage structures. With respect to a change in method of operation, this term refers to those on-site activities, other than preparatory activities, which mark the initiation of the change.