Cost inputs definition
Examples of Cost inputs in a sentence
Cost inputs for alternative 1 (Air filtration system upgrade)Cost CategoryDescriptionCostDirectCost of retrofitting an economizer to a university's already existing HVAC system.
It consolidates the selected CMA Efficient Cost inputs and applies a selected indexation.▪ It is important to note that the price base for most of the inputs used on this sheet are in 2017 prices (different to the convention used elsewhere in the model, which is to use a 2020 price base).
Cost inputs for alternative 2 (Isolation housing) Cost CategoryDescriptionCostDirectHotel rental cost Assuming $100 per room then an additional 20% discount.
As compensation for the services to be provided, Hunter will receive a monthly fee of US $10,000 with provisions for severance of twelve months of compensation in the event the Company terminates the Agreement by reason of a change of control.
Cost inputs for the Broad Based DM Plan were derived from a range of sources including: knowledge gained from specific Demand Management Innovation Allowance projects, internal marketing expertise developed from the development and delivery of energy efficiency programs and knowledge sharing with other DNSPs who are delivering or have recently delivered similar programs (e.g. Queensland DNSPs).