Labor Costs Sample Clauses
Labor Costs. 2.1 Wages of construction workers directly employed by the Construction Manager to perform the construction of the Work at the site or, with the Owner’s prior approval, at off-site workshops.
Labor Costs. The cost of labor for workers used in the actual and direct performance of the Change Order work, whether provided by DB Contractor or a Subcontractor, will equal the sum of the following:
(a) For construction-related labor, (1) the actual cost for direct labor, plus (2) the actual cost of workers’ compensation and liability insurance required under this CMA, health, welfare and pension benefits, and Social Security deductions or 55% of the actual direct labor cost, whichever is less, plus (3) 25% of the total of the amounts set forth in clauses (1) and (2) for profit and overhead.
(b) For non-construction-related labor (professional services), (1) the actual wages (i.e., the base wage paid to the employee exclusive of any fringe benefits), plus (2) a labor surcharge in the amount of 145%, which shall constitute full compensation for all profit, overhead, and all State and federal payroll, unemployment and other taxes, insurance, fringe benefits and all other payments made to, or on behalf of, the workers, in excess of actual wages.
Labor Costs a. Wages of construction workers directly employed by Construction Contractor to perform the construction of the Work at the Project site or, with Owner’s written agreement, at off-site workshops. Costs to be reimbursed will be the actual wages paid to the individuals performing the work.
b. Wages or salaries of Construction Contractor’s supervisory and administrative personnel who are stationed at the Project site with Owner’s written agreement.
c. Wages and salaries of Construction Contractor’s supervisory and administrative personnel engaged at factories, workshops or on the road in expediting the production or transportation of materials or equipment required for the Work, but only for that portion of their time required for the Work and only with Owner’s written agreement as in Subsection 5.A.1.b above.
d. The parties hereby establish the fixed markup rate of thirty-five percent (35%) for all labor burden, including all taxes, insurance (except workers compensation and general liability), contributions, assessments and benefits required by law and collective bargaining agreements and, for personnel not covered by such agreements, customary benefits such as sick leave, medical and health benefits, holidays, vacations and pensions, provided such markup is to apply only upon those wages and salaries included in the Cost of the Work under Subsections 5.A.1.a through A.1.c, above. Further, such labor burden shall not include amounts for items specified in Subsection 5.B.3 that are to be excluded from the Cost of the Work. Construction Contractor’s “General Conditions” expenses, that are to be more particularly itemized in an Attachment to the GMP Amendment and incorporated therein by reference, are a lump sum to be paid as the Work progresses with each Application for Payment based on the percentage of completion. Many of the labor costs itemized in this Subsection 5.A.1 are included in General Conditions’ expenses, whether or not specifically noted as such, and are not to be billed separately. Construction Contractor shall promptly report to Owner any occasion in which the labor/payroll rates paid to personnel is lower than the estimated price included in the GMP Attachment for the General Conditions expense. Further, Owner reserves the right to audit Contractor’s payroll. And Construction Contractor shall promptly make available to Owner all records necessary for such purpose.
Labor Costs. Reasonable salaries and wages of professionals and other workers directly employed by Design Builder to perform the program management, design administration or other work directly associated with the Project, normally performed on-site and including construction personnel and administrative assistance. All construction phase salaried workers employed by Design Builder shall be paid based upon Actual Cost not exceeding in the aggregate the amounts in the Design Builder’s proposal, shown on the completed Project Cost Matrix in Exhibit E.
Labor Costs. Reasonable salaries and wages of workers directly employed by Design-Builder to perform work directly associated with the Project performed off-site including Preconstruction personnel and Administrative assistance. All pre-construction salaried workers employed by Design-Builder shall be reimbursed based upon Actual Cost not exceeding in the aggregate the amounts shown in the Design-Builder’s proposal, shown as Exhibit E, which, upon agreement with the Owner, is incorporated into and made a part of this Contract by reference.
Labor Costs. Labor costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor or Contractor’s subcontractor actually the performing the Work of the Change Order. Such employees shall include without limitation superintendents, foremen, and other personnel employed to perform the work of the Change Order. Labor costs for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Labor costs shall include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto and all transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses. The expenses of performing Work outside of regular working hours, on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Owner.
Labor Costs. Reasonable salaries and wages of workers directly employed by CM/GC to perform work directly associated with the Project performed off-site including Preconstruction personnel and Administrative assistance. All pre- construction salaried workers employed by CM/GC shall be reimbursed based upon Actual Cost not exceeding in the aggregate the amounts shown in the CM/GC’s proposal, shown as Exhibit E, which, upon agreement with the Owner, is incorporated into and made a part of this Contract by reference.
Labor Costs. The cost of labor for workers used in the actual and direct performance of the Change Order work, whether provided by Maintenance Contractor or a Subcontractor, will equal the sum of the following:
(a) For construction-related labor, (1) the actual cost for direct labor; plus
Labor Costs. The Grantee shall document all labor, including all force account, match and volunteer time, on time sheets, or reports produced by an electronic timekeeping system.
Labor Costs. 8.2.1 Wages of construction workers directly employed by the CM/GC to perform the construction of the Work at the site.
8.2.2 Wages and salaries of the CM/GC's supervisory and administrative personnel (i) stationed at the site, or (ii) engaged at factories, workshops or on the road, in expediting the production or transportation of materials or equipment required for the Work with Owner, or otherwise engaged and off the site when specifically related to the Project, and