COTS definition
Examples of COTS in a sentence
Software is restricted to operating systems and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software and is subject to equipment configuration limits.
Products and services available under this Contract are limited to the technology categories defined in Request for Offer DIR-CPO-TMP-570 for Software, Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) and Related Services.
If a User cannot substitute their registration or transfer to other COTS training, the registered User may submit a refund request via e-mail to
A User may request to transfer to other COTS Training at any time prior to the start of the originally registered event, or where applicable, prior to accessing the online Course Materials, by submitting a transfer request, via e-mail to
COTS ImageEntry™ software is used to verify the data entry of the digitized images as double-keying takes place.