Examples of Council in Committee in a sentence
Committee Chairs are selected by Council in Committee of the Whole at the Inaugural Session and ratified by a motion of Council.
The Council in Committee shall not have power to adjourn its own sittings, or to adjourn a debate to a future sitting but, if the business referred to it be not transacted, the Council may be resumed and the Chairman may move that the Council be again put into Committee on a future day.
The Council in Committee shall not consider any matter not referred to it by the resolution resolving the Council into Committee.
The Rules of Procedure of the Council shall apply to proceedings of the Council in Committee, except that any Member may speak more than once with the permission of the Mayor.
Any Member may raise for discussion a communication that is listed in the Council Information Package under “New Business” at a future Council in Committee meeting by requesting that the communication be included in the agenda for that meeting.
Delegations will have the option of appearing before Council in Committee of the Whole or directly to a committee or board having responsibility thereof.
Chair: Mayor Emmerson The regular meeting of Council in Committee was held at the municipal offices on the above date and time.
However, the D.R.H.B.A. would opposeReport to Council in Committee of the Whole Item: CNCL-20-149 Meeting Date: July 13, 2020 Page 4 a patchwork of regulations throughout the Province by allowing municipalities to create their own targets for accessibility.
Where required, applicants shall post one or more development proposal signs on the subject site located along the front or other street-facing property line, as determined by the Director, at least 21 days prior to Council in Committee meeting, first and/or second readings consideration of the bylaw by Council or as otherwise determined by the Director; b.
There is a requirement for a revenue sharing arrangement to be in place with an eligible tourism entity, if a destination marketing program does not exist on the day beforeReport to Council in Committee of the Whole Item: CNCL-20-145 Meeting Date: July 13, 2020 Page 5 Municipal Accommodation Tax comes into effect.