Counter check definition

Counter check is the document reflecting a payment by a Player at a gaming table drawn on a form prepared by the Tribal Gaming Operation against a checking account of the Player in accordance with these Standards;

Examples of Counter check in a sentence

  • Counter check with the participants the information in the directory, make revisions and finalize for printing 3.

  • Patient remains the responsibility of the escortForward Court Order to Nominated Officer/ MHA Administrator Counter check Court Order and record admission on registersCOURT ORDER REMAINS INVALIDEscort to take patient awayPROBLEM RECTIFIEDAdmit patient to ward Inform patient of rights3.

  • If specific times are to be viewed, click the check mark in the Use Days Counter check box.

  • Submit duly accomplished request form/Pulmonary Services Request form1.1 Receive and check request form1.2 Counter- check schedule logbookNone5 minutesRespiratory Therapist – Pulmonary section2.

  • Counter check with participants the spelling of names in certificates 5.

  • For AIDC recovering procedure, after AIDC back to normal (including AFTN), each state should Counter check with other state either their system already back to normal or not; Test message should be transmit to make sure both states establish.

  • Patient remains the responsibility of the escortCOURT ORDER REMAINS INVALIDEscort to take patient away Counter check Court Order and record admission on registersPROBLEM RECTIFIEDAdmit patient to ward Inform patient of rightsAppendix 23.

Related to Counter check

  • Baggage Check means those portions of the Ticket which relate to the carriage of your Checked Baggage.

  • Self-Check means an integrated function that checks for a system failure on a continuous basis at least while the system is active.

  • Certified check means a check accepted by the bank on which it is drawn. Acceptance may be made as stated in subsection (1) or by a writing on the check which indicates that the check is certified. The drawee of a check has no obligation to certify the check, and refusal to certify is not dishonor of the check.

  • Background Check means the process of checking an applicant’s arrest and conviction record, through any means.

  • Substitute Check means a paper reproduction of an Item that satisfies the requirements and definition of "substitute check" set forth in Regulation CC.

  • electronically signed contract means a contract that is executed by applying an electronic signature using technology approved by the Parties.

  • EFT means electronic funds transfer.

  • Dedicated check source means a radioactive source that is used to ensure the constant operation of a radiation detection or measurement device over several months or years. This source may also be used for other purposes.

  • Direct Debit Request means the Direct Debit Request between Us and You.

  • Check means a draft, other than a documentary draft, payable on demand and drawn on a bank or a cashier's check or teller's check. An instrument may be a check even though it is described on its face by another term, such as “money order”.

  • Drawer means a person who signs or is identified in a draft as a person ordering payment.

  • Direct Debit means a payment service for debiting a payer’s payment account, where a payment transaction is initiated by the payee on the basis of the payer’s consent given to the payee, to the payee’s payment service provider or to the payer’s own payment service provider;

  • Clearinghouse means the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Commercial Driver's License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse.

  • Unchecked Baggage means any baggage (carry-on) accompanying the passenger other than checked baggage.

  • Drawee means a person ordered in a draft to make payment.