Examples of County Jurisdiction in a sentence
Please supply the following information and verify that it matches the information shown on following website:https://apps.dos.ny.gov/publicInquiry/ Current Entity Name: DOS ID #: Initial DOS Filing Date: County: Jurisdiction: Entity Type: Current Entity Status: Chief Executive Officer Information:Name: Address: Principal Executive Office Information:Name: Address: The information provided and located on the DOS website matches.
The Areas of Greatest Need are the census tracts within the Alameda County Urban County Jurisdiction which are High Priority, as defined by the Foreclosure and Abandonment Risk Score of seven or higher.
Beginning with fiscal year 1993/94 EDCTC shall annually contribute to the SACOG from EDCTC’s annual work program, for the use in SACOG’s federal planning and programming effort, an amount equal to 2% of the Local Transportation Fund apportionment to all El Dorado County Jurisdiction lying within the Designated Ozone Non-attainment Area, in return for which SACOG shall perform the federal transportation planning and programming responsibilities pursuant to this MOU.
Lacking the presence of any of those conditions, MABCD staff would authorize the construction of the structure and no follow-up inspection would be necessary.Location permits are not required in second- and third-class cities that contract with Sedgwick County, which are otherwise considered to be part of the Sedgwick County Jurisdiction.
For Sedgwick County Jurisdiction location permits, the owner or authorized agent shall submit a site plan and MABCD staff will complete a pre-construction assessment of the site plan to ensure that the proposed location for the structure is not imper- missibly located in a floodplain, floodway, easement, setback, or protrude onto a neighboring property.
Within the Sedgwick County Jurisdiction, one-story detached accessory structures classified as Groups S or U occupancies are exempt from the requirement to obtain a building permit provided the floor area does not exceed 400 square feet and (provided such structure is in the unincorporated area of Sedgwick County) a location permit is obtained from the MABCD prior to installation.
Exception to Location Permit Requirement (applicable within the Wichita Jurisdiction and the Sedgwick County Jurisdiction): Non-fixed and movable storage cabinets equipped with doors that conceal the contents within and having a footprint not exceeding 25 square feet (2.32 m2), shall not require the issuance of a location permit.
Los Angeles County Jurisdiction Sources: 1990 & 2000 Census; Calif.
In the event any incorporated city elects to opt- in, it shall be included within the definition of the Sedgwick County Jurisdiction.
Names of individuals are not allowed in the Wake County Jurisdiction.