County PHI definition
Examples of County PHI in a sentence
All workforce members who assist in the performance of functions or activities on behalf of County, or access or disclose County PHI or PI must complete information privacy and security training, at least annually, at Business Associate’s expense.
All persons that will be working with County PHI or PI must sign a confidentiality statement that includes, at a minimum, General Use, Security and Privacy Safeguards, Unacceptable Use, and Enforcement Policies.
Visitors to areas where County PHI or PI is contained shall be escorted and County PHI or PI shall be kept out of sight while visitors are in the area.
All systems involved in accessing, holding, transporting, and protecting County PHI or PI that are accessible via the Internet must be protected by a comprehensive intrusion detection and prevention solution.
County PHI or PI must be disposed of through confidential means, such as cross cut shredding and pulverizing.
All systems processing and/or storing County PHI or PI must have at least an annual system risk assessment/security review which provides assurance that administrative, physical, and technical controls are functioning effectively and providing adequate levels of protection.
Servers containing unencrypted County PHI or PI must have sufficient administrative, physical, and technical controls in place to protect that data, based upon a risk assessment/system security review.
The system must maintain an automated audit trail which can identify the user or system process which initiates a request for County PHI or PI, or which alters County PHI or PI.
The statement must be signed by the workforce member prior to access to County PHI or PI.
All systems processing and/or storing County PHI or PI must have a routine procedure in place to review system logs for unauthorized access.