Examples of Crash history in a sentence
Crash history, including analyses at high crash locations within the project limits.
Includes SR and MP.• Traffic volumes, shoulder width and posted speed limit.• Crash history for the past three years including any pedestrian involvements.• Summary statement detailing need for prohibition.
Request should include:• A vicinity map of the area showing proposed crossing along with pedestrian generators.• Traffic volumes.• Crash history for the past three years including any pedestrian involvements.• Summary statement detailing need for crossing.
Crash history, attitudes towards driving, and driving frequency did not have any impact on these attitudes.
Crash history prior to or during the roadworks is not to be included.
Crash history of the past three years (obtained from PWM Traffic Operations compilation of DMV records); and,g.
Crash history should not be requested if there is a project to address the crash problem already planned and which will be completed by the time the development is expected to be generating traffic.
Traffic counts- Crash history- Strategic routes and bus routes- Historic maintenance costs.
Supplemental items to consider when evaluating a design exception: • Crash history to determine any history of operational problems.• Functional classification of the roadway.• Effect of the variance from the design standard on safety and operations.• The degree of the variance from the standard.• Compatibility with adjacent sections of roadway.• Should not degrade the relative safety of the roadway.• Amount and character of the traffic.• Posted and actual speed on the route.• Type of project contemplated.
Crash history: List any crash data and their sources for the most recent five years, if any, within your project area.